
for the braking excercise is it better to slam on or slowly put pressure on the brakes ?

as part of the test they no longer do the controlled stop as such its now a pull up at a certain point say a lamp post or something thats what i had on mine

Really?? did it on my C+E in august.

All you need(ed) to do is stop quickly - stamping on the pedal as hard as you can is a bit much really, you’ll risk locking it up which I’d imagine is considered a loss of control and a fail.

Press the pedal a bit harder than usual and stop quickly but smoothly - iirc, as long as the cones aren’t behind the vehicle (i.e. they’re somewhere down the side) - it’s still a pass - assuming it’s still in the test at all.

the controlled stop was abolished this month (jan 2011) you have to do an angled start now instead. on my test i had to pull up behind a parked car, then when safe and ready just… pull away as you would normally. i was doing my training in december and still had to pratice the controlled stop. i hit the brake pedal so hard i knocked the abs sensor out of the wheel… oops :blush: . good luck for the test tomorrow emma jane. :wink:

I did the emergency stop at the test centre… that was November 2010. Is this something different?


I did the emergency stop at the test centre… that was November 2010. Is this something different?


Was the "controlled stop " then has been for a while

you will do a minimum of 3 controlled stops 1 of which will be at a certain point you will prob find one will be a up hill start and another down hill this is what i had on my test today not being funny but your trainer should of known and told you about the stop issue

Also heard that there is no longer a controlled stop on test as of 2011 apparently :smiley:

Its true, there is no controlled stop any more, your trainer shoud have told you this, good luck on the test :slight_smile:

think previously the ‘rules’ were /get level with front cones at 18/19 mph/no skidding/no locking wheels up/be in control/stop straight/very rear of truck should not pass the 2 start cones at end of braking/examiner going thro windscreen was a fail/

Good luck for Ur test tomorrow Emma jane
Fingers crossed.
Jennie x

the controlled stop was abolished this month (jan 2011) you have to do an angled start now instead. on my test i had to pull up behind a parked car, then when safe and ready just… pull away as you would normally. i was doing my training in december and still had to pratice the controlled stop. i hit the brake pedal so hard i knocked the abs sensor out of the wheel… oops :blush: . good luck for the test tomorrow emma jane. :wink:

I wasn’t told about this and I’d never done the park behind a car thing. I was so pre-occupied with driving off the way I’d practised that I didn’t spot a car coming the other way and I pulled out as he was nearing me. Lucky he didn’t have to move over too much so it was only a minor. I did my lessons in November but only took my test last week so didn’t know and wasn’t told about any changes.

The braking excercise that was previously done in the test centre was abolished from the test from 1st Jan this year.

The angled start involves being asked to pull into the left of the road and stop approx 2-3 car lengths behind a stationery vehicle. No real problem with this but be careful about oncoming vehicles as you pull away. If you make an oncoming vehicle have to slow down or stop you are looking at a retest.

The braking excercise that was previously done in the test centre was abolished from the test from 1st Jan this year.

The angled start involves being asked to pull into the left of the road and stop approx 2-3 car lengths behind a stationery vehicle. No real problem with this but be careful about oncoming vehicles as you pull away. If you make an oncoming vehicle have to slow down or stop you are looking at a retest.

Is this ‘new’? I had to do that when i were training for my ‘1’ in the early '80’s, along with the ‘controlled downhill/uphill starts’. The uphill was as said, pull in behind a vehicle and make a controlled hill start. Thought i’d messed up on the uphill start as i managed to stall it but as i managed to stop it from rolling back ‘in a controlled and proper manner’ (apply footbrake, so it wouldn’t roll back as thats a no-no, hand-brake on and then into neutral), all was ok. For the downhill start, select a higher gear than you normally would (i went for 3rd out of the 6) and didn’t give it any welly…held it on the handbrake, clutch out until you feel it bite and then release the handbrake and then a couple of seconds after its moving, up into the next gear and drive as normal and all should be ok. For braking (we had the controlled stop) i hit the pedal but released it immediately (so as not to lock it all up) then re-applied with firm pressure to bring to a halt)…probably taught nothing like that now! I did have an advantage over other ‘learners’ as i had been on ‘puddlers’ for 4 years so had a good idea of things anyway but i imagine if you have no experiance of anything other than a car or the vehicle you have been having lessons in then it could be a bit harder. Good luck but you seem sensible (asking questions) so i think you will be ok :wink:

Edit; just seen your other post and i’ve obviously turned up late so what i’ve said is as much use on a handbrake on a canoe as you’ve probably passed anyway :blush:

:cry: afraid not :cry: