
reference to the new speed limit I read in the paper today that charity safety group brake have said that the new speed limit is short sighted,what is it with people like these,it seems they wont be happy until all vehicles are reduced to 5mph with a man and a red flag walking in front like the Victorian times,what a bunch of muppets

reference to the new speed limit I read in the paper today that charity safety group brake have said that the new speed limit is short sighted,what is it with people like these,it seems they wont be happy until all vehicles are reduced to 5mph with a man and a red flag walking in front like the Victorian times,what a bunch of muppets

You are absolutely correct, this outfit was founded by a woman who lost a family member in an accident some years ago and has never recovered. Most of her/Brake’s propaganda is hysterical, unfounded on reality and disregards genuine evidence.

As you say, it is only a pity that Government/local government/the sensational Press actually seem to take her and Brake seriously.


reference to the new speed limit I read in the paper today that charity safety group brake have said that the new speed limit is short sighted,what is it with people like these,it seems they wont be happy until all vehicles are reduced to 5mph with a man and a red flag walking in front like the Victorian times,what a bunch of muppets

You are absolutely correct, this outfit was founded by a woman who lost a family member in an accident some years ago and has never recovered. Most of her/Brake’s propaganda is hysterical, unfounded on reality and disregards genuine evidence.

As you say, it is only a pity that Government/local government/the sensational Press actually seem to take her and Brake seriously.

Quite correct - they are obsessed with their idea that speed is the cause of everything. Totally detached from reality :imp:

just in the interest of balance, I Do actually think BRAKE live in cloud cuckoo land, but there you go :slight_smile:


The bit at the bottom which says “…carnage and pollution must end.” There you go, a bunch of vehicle hating loonies.
Why are they government funded? Surely such a group should’ve had its’ funding cut ages ago when we entered “austerity”?


reference to the new speed limit I read in the paper today that charity safety group brake have said that the new speed limit is short sighted,what is it with people like these,it seems they wont be happy until all vehicles are reduced to 5mph with a man and a red flag walking in front like the Victorian times,what a bunch of muppets

You are absolutely correct, this outfit was founded by a woman who lost a family member in an accident some years ago and has never recovered. Most of her/Brake’s propaganda is hysterical, unfounded on reality and disregards genuine evidence.

As you say, it is only a pity that Government/local government/the sensational Press actually seem to take her and Brake seriously.

I understand that as I read her story,but accidents happen everyday, people unfortunately die,its a fact of life but her organisation take things to the extreme regarding safety,maybe I was wrong to call them muppets but I stand by what I say with the rest,and I also noticed gary rae has his opinion on hgvs but noticed that he never mentions car drivers,hgvs do cause major damage/death when they do crash but I and no doubt others see accidents everyday involving car drivers,there is usually 2 or 3 crashes with car drivers everyday,we all hear it on the radio and yet nothing is ever done to reduce their speeding,although now I say it I did hear that new cars have a system added to prevent cars from speeding

Well, in the death of Mary Williams mother (and her own injuries) speed WAS a contributary factor, plus the truck was being driven by a lunatic, so I suppose she will have a ‘bee in her bonnet’ regarding trucks speeding? They do seem to try and hammer the point home excessively though.


Why are they government funded? Surely such a group should’ve had its’ funding cut ages ago when we entered “austerity”?

A government that cuts funding to anything to do with road safety? Never gonna happen. Two accidents after the cuts and it would be all over the media how funding was cut and thats the reason for all the carnage and deaths (the idiots behind the wheel aren’t the fault you see)

what is it with people like these,it seems they wont be happy until all vehicles are reduced to 5mph with a man and a red flag walking in front like the Victorian times,what a bunch of muppets


it is only a pity that Government/local government/the sensational Press actually seem to take her and Brake seriously.

Something for the press to write about I suppose…

There you go, a bunch of vehicle hating loonies.
Why are they government funded? Surely such a group should’ve had its’ funding cut ages ago when we entered “austerity”?

+1, put the money towards repairing potholes or reducing the deficit:!:

One wonders how many of the Brake campaigners have or have had points for speeding on their licenses.

Its like when one village campaigned for a speed camera because of motorists speeding through the village. It caught lots of the very same villagers…

I seem to recall that some of those in BRAKE dishing out road safety don’t actually have a licence.

Whilst I sympathise with the founders double loss, unfortunately it’s turned her and her ‘charity’ into a vindictive motor hating bunch and I have no time whatsoever for them.

No doubt initially it was very relevant but they seem hell bent on slowing anything bigger than a car down regardless of how well trained or professional we maybe( and I know there are some who give drivers bad name but that’s no different to any trade).

It’s now just a vindictive motor hating organisation and as previously mentions the bottom of their site that says the carnage and pollution must end loses any sliver of confidence/respect I might have not had for them!

They have called for sat navs to be banned in the past, want hands free kits banned.

There is lots more, maybe wrong but i am sure they wanted motorway speed limits dropped to 50mph for everything, want blanket 20mph speed limits in any built up area.

Basically they are anti-car, which is not surprising because i believe some of the high up members or a group closely associated are quite a few of the same people who were involved in the anti road building protests in the 80’s and 90’s. Basically decided the dreadlocks and camps weren’t working so cleaned up, got suits found it easier to get their anti-car agenda put across.

One wonders how many of the Brake campaigners have or have had points for speeding on their licenses.

Its like when one village campaigned for a speed camera because of motorists speeding through the village. It caught lots of the very same villagers…

it would be interesting to find out how many do have points

I seem to recall that some of those in BRAKE dishing out road safety don’t actually have a licence.

Whilst I sympathise with the founders double loss, unfortunately it’s turned her and her ‘charity’ into a vindictive motor hating bunch and I have no time whatsoever for them.

No doubt initially it was very relevant but they seem hell bent on slowing anything bigger than a car down regardless of how well trained or professional we maybe( and I know there are some who give drivers bad name but that’s no different to any trade).

It’s now just a vindictive motor hating organisation and as previously mentions the bottom of their site that says the carnage and pollution must end loses any sliver of confidence/respect I might have not had for them!
