Box Junction Fine Victory

Thought I’d share my experience…

I recieved a letter dated 17/12/08 regarding a box junction fine dated 10/09/08 :unamused: in Liverpool Road, Islington. 18t back wheels 6" on the box…

I decided to contest it 'cos 3 months is a bit of a long time imo to issue a ticket for anything really. My appeal to the council got bumped back blaming the DVLA for the delay (imagine that!!). So I did a google search and found out some interesting stuff so I went to the tribunal service with it.

Apparently the contravention IS NOT stopping on a box - it’s ENTERING WHEN YOUR EXIT IS BLOCKED :sunglasses:. So if you enter a box and one lane is clear on exit but you choose not to take it or you pull up short for whatever reason NO CONTRAVENTION HAS OCCURRED!

I also discovered that this box is not painted properly and is unenforcable, and also that the junction was not accurately described on the PCN (Vague Locus I believe :wink: )

Just had a letter from Islington Council stating that due to a ‘Procedural error’ they have decided not to contest the appeal and apologising for the inconvinience! :smiley:

While I hate people blocking junctions as much as anyone we all make mistakes and if they’re going to prosecute they’d better get it right imo.

I’m not sure if everyone could escape a fine in that situation, have a quick look at the regulations here:

I based the appeal on this … 34755.html and a couple of other things I found. It would seem that the council are issuing fines even when no contravention has occurred - almost as if its just a cynical revenue raiser?

And everyone who appeals wins.

i have always wondered if your at a junction waiting to go straight across Now you obviously have to wait for the road over the box junction is clear ie 50 feet now there is a side turning onto this box junction from your left and the cars keep pulling out continiously you have no chance of moving into a clear space so what the heck you ment to do. Also your siting at lights waiting to go across and the lane next to you is full of cars and the light goes green all the cars next to you then pull in your lane so stuffing you over a box junction.

When I used to drive buses in Glasgow I would block up box junctions every day. What else are you meant to do when you have no chance of a space at the other side of it?

i fought a parking ticket from edinburgh council dated the 05/01/09 for parking in south gyle crescent and won lol.

they ticketd me 4 mins after i hd arriaved at work and had proof, i arrived at 10:40 they got me at 10:44