Thanks to all you good guys out there :smiley:

Managed to have a chat to the guy with the magnum, got some reassurance & went to collect it tonight.

130 miles of :smiley: home - faultlessly.

Thanks Lads :wink:

In my best Harry Enfield voice " O you didnā€™t wanna go and do that" :open_mouth: :wink:

All the best with it toytown, :stuck_out_tongue: Know stop mucking about on here and get the trailer sorted, :unamused:

Then thereā€™s the ramp :unamused: :unamused:

And the awning :wink: :unamused: :sunglasses: to sort the list goes onā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦

And your lass to keep happy while all this is going on, :open_mouth:

And the pics, we need the pics! What are you messing about at man!

Hi M8,

Keeping ā€œer indoorsā€ happy is easy. She is already taking about carpeting the floor, polishing the dash & storing untold junk under the bunk :unamused:

Trailer is a project for when the unit is sorted (cleaned / repaired airbag / exhaust blow & tarting with stripes & oddments :sunglasses: )

Best pic i can do right now is a dark one, but the lights work :laughing:

Hi M8,

Best pic i can do right now is a dark one, but the lights work :laughing:

that will be the bulb then! never any good at bulbs them froggies!

all I got here is a little X


Hi M8,

Best pic i can do right now is a dark one, but the lights work :laughing:

that will be the bulb then! never any good at bulbs them froggies!

all I got here is a little X

edited because Iā€™ve eaten my words :blush: :blush:

Told you, you will feel better now you have a proper motor. Good Luck with the work that needs doing and send us some more pics of it, looks like a really decent motor, now Iā€™m jealousā€¦!!!

ā– ā– ā– ā–  it, I still have to drive that Freightliner :unamused: :angry: :open_mouth: :frowning:


Been reading the previous posts on your dilema should I buy it shouldnt Iā– ā– ?? I can only say you have made MY day by going out there and gettin it,WELL SMART LOOKING MOTOR, I am sure you will enjoy owning her too. They run like a QUARTZ CLOCK them Magnums :wink: WELL DONEā€¦AND GOOD FOR YOUā€¦ :exclamation:

:frowning: Oh, my quartz clock has been running fine. I must have bought a really good oneā€¦ :laughing: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

When Isaid quartz clock rob Imeant it in a nice way mate,if you by a motor where I live and someone says ā€œIt runs like a quartz clockā€ That means you have bought a blinding motor! and NOT a lemmon,Hope that clears that up mate Toneā€¦ :wink:

:smiley: With respect Tony, I think youā€™ve completely misunderstood what I wrote. Never mind eh. Others will find it amusing Iā€™m sure :sunglasses: :smiley:

Talking of clocks, 3.32am :open_mouth: Where did that come from :question: :exclamation:

SORRY Rob, I must just be tired,and a Tad Thick thrown in mate,I am just pleased for the guyā€¦Toneā€¦ :wink:

Hi M8,

Keeping ā€œer indoorsā€ happy is easy. She is already taking about carpeting the floor, polishing the dash & storing untold junk under the bunk :unamused:

You want to what your axle weight mate, I know what these ā€œer indoorsā€ can be like. :laughing: :laughing:

CONGRATULATIONS you have made the right choice,the magnum is a great truck and your now lucky enough to own 1 :smiley:

What a positive buch of peeps you all are :smiley:

You all offer advice on what to buy
Then help me decide
Then back up everything you have said with more words of encouragement :smiley:

I will not bore you with a mile by mile account of the journey home, suffice to say that the smile was still there when i woke thismorning :unamused: :unamused:

Came home early today (3:30) & took the front grille out, the front cab suspension is operated seperately on each side & the n/side levelling switch is duff. Pumps up ok but doesnā€™t exhaust the air when itā€™s time to come back down. Simple job, will ring about switch tomorrow :wink:

Being so pleased with it myself is great, but when itā€™s made others happy too ā€¦ well isnā€™t that the icing on the cake :wink:

Now SERIOUSLY ā€¦ Iā€™m not sure what I should do ā€¦

If i post a blow by blow account of itā€™s transformation - I might become a pain in the ā– ā– ā– ā–  here :confused:

If I donā€™t post anymore about it - that looks ungrateful for all the help you guys have given me :confused:

What do i do :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

I know ā€¦ I know ā€¦ naff of Toytown :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Well I for one have enjoyed your account of the buying process of your toy so donā€™t see why you shouldnā€™t continue to sell your stories. If people donā€™t want to read it then they donā€™t have to open the thread!

Congrats mate and keep the posts coming, I for one think its a very interesting project!!



Yep, I agree with Martā€¦ They dont have to open the thread if they dont want to read itā€¦

So keep the storys coming Toytown. Iā€™d certainly like to read about its transformation, and more pics would be good tooā€¦
Might even give some of us some inspiration to undertakle a project like thisā€¦(nah, wake up and smell the coffee Andy!! :laughing: :laughing: )

OK ā€¦ se how long it takes before somebody tells me to shut up about this magnum :sunglasses:

Will try to get one or two decent pics tomorrow, then it can be updated as i get there :laughing: