Border Truck services!

I went out with my mate today in an artic to see what its like to be in one as im doing my class one next week, as we left Hull docks we went onto a duel carraigeway, there was a car on our right and as i looked in the mirror i saw a silver daf belonging to Border traffic services travelling up the slip road, my mate had nowhere to go and fully expected the Border artic driver to slow dong and GIVE WAY!!, next thing we know theres a crunch as he takes his drivers side mirror off on the container!!

We stopped and my mate got out to talk to the driver who just started screaming at him calling him all the names under the sun. My mate came back to the cab to get his diary to take details and the other bloke just drove off!!

The police where informed and we then set off, the question i want to know is did the other driver break the law by leaving the scene without swapping details??

Simple - Yes

He most certainly did, I hope its in an area of good CCTV and he gets caught.

He made a mistake, misjudgement, whatever you want to call it, he needs to take the consequences! Lets hope he can be traced so he can do so.


The company is on the web - based in Berwick and for some strange reason Stoke!

The other thing I forgot to mention was that he nicked the numberplate off the trailer :imp: :imp:

To be honest it shocked me and my mate as this bloke had no intention of slowing down and was hell bent on getting off that slip road and into our lane!!

We reckon the reason he left is because he knew he was in the wrong?

once you realised the plonker on the slip road wasn’t stopping couldn’t your mate have backed off - not saying he should have given way as slip roads have give way markings on the end, but just eased off to avoid the crunch !

i said that but my mate said that he had nowhere to go, i trust his judgement as he has been driving a lot longer than me.

Is this classed as leaving the scene of an accident?

Yes it is, unless he makes his way at his earliest opportunity to a police station and reports - and even then he would need a bloody good excuse such as he feared for his safety if he stayed at the scene i.e. he would have had the crap kicked out of him.

The bloke was screaming his head off, there was no way he feared for his safety, and he wasnt exaclty a small bloke!!

I really hope he gets done, normally I wouldnt say that but this bloke had no intention of stopping

A small word with VOSA would be interesting, if your that way inclined as I am sure they would like to make sure the firm deals with this correctly.

A small word with VOSA would be interesting, if your that way inclined as I am sure they would like to make sure the firm deals with this correctly.

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused: ok the guy was a prat and should have done the slip road thing properly and shouldn’t have run off afterwards but in the end it’s only a mirror - what on earth has this got to do with vosa :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Ok - a bit excessive - my bad

Denis F:

A small word with VOSA would be interesting, if your that way inclined as I am sure they would like to make sure the firm deals with this correctly.

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused: ok the guy was a prat and should have done the slip road thing properly and shouldn’t have run off afterwards but in the end it’s only a mirror - what on earth has this got to do with vosa :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

stuff him denis… i would hang him out to dry and inform the company of my actions because of his actions and attitude.

KJW 21, ‘A Word with VOSA’ , don’t make me laugh.
They couldn’t care less.
An easy nick by the side of the road and they are fine. Something that takes a little bit of work, investigation or intelligence on their part and they’re not interested.

I know of a company that have been running as bent as they come for months now.
Everything from running on blanc charts (to be filled in later by someone else) to use of an unauthorised operating centre.
An ex driver I know even sent in an envelope full of dodgy charts found in a bin outside the yard and still no action has been taken.

Just like any government agency, if it involves a bit of work, they can’t be arsed.

I dont see a problem here. A driver (term used loosely) has knocked his own mirror off on the side of a hired shipping container that has probably got more scratches than our tomcat.

Why would he need to contact the police or why would you need to contact VOSA?

No one is injured, no other property is damaged. He has to explain to his boss why he needs a new mirror

Wheel Nut:
I dont see a problem here. A driver (term used loosely) has knocked his own mirror off on the side of a hired shipping container that has probably got more scratches than our tomcat.

Why would he need to contact the police or why would you need to contact VOSA?

No one is injured, no other property is damaged. He has to explain to his boss why he needs a new mirror

k,nell…thats twice this year i can agree with you wn… :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I can’t understand why no-one backed off .
Why drive into what is obviously going to be an accident .

I can’t understand why no-one backed off

Here we go again :unamused: :unamused:

So what does that mean , you would do the same and lose a mirror?