Bordeaux to Narbonne on the National 113

Ok some of you Oldies.Anyone travelled the N113 South from Bordeaux? To me that was one of my most pleasant journeys.(Except trying to transit Toulouse in the rush hour!) There were some wonderful eating places as well.When I worked for Frigoscandia.I used to do a regular run.Would load meat at Chard on Sunday morning.Tip Argen on Monday morning and then load vegetable groupage.Sometimes ten pickups all around the farms.Always got fed.Lovely people.Still get letters from some of them. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Did that run along the Tarn Valley? Been a while & can’t remember the route numbers anymore :confused:

I took plane parts once to Toulouse & got the vintage wine back ; at least a dozen pick-ups.

I’m surprised Spardo didn’t pick up on that one.I’m sure its the Tarn :laughing:

When I was a kid i went to H Baker haulage in Bradford with my dad to tip one day.
Just found a photo of one of their trucks and noticed that they had a base in Mazamet in the Tarn region and wonder if anybody knows anything about them.

charlie one:
I’m surprised Spardo didn’t pick up on that one.I’m sure its the Tarn :laughing:

Gives us a chance, a man’s got to eat and sleep now and again, I’m not dayandnighting anymore you know. :open_mouth: :laughing:

Anyway you’re both wrong, it’s the Garonne, it sings as it goes over the weirs ‘Garonne Garonne Garonne I’m a Garonne’. :unamused: The Tarn joins it north of Toulouse at Moissac.
I think the N113 is interdit to wagons most of the way these days, the autoroutes have got a lot to answer for. Should still be able to access the restos though, if they are still there. The only one I remember is near Port Sainte Marie, apart from the big Centre Routier near Toulouse between J10-1 of the A62 and the bit of the N113 which is the N20, if you see what I mean. :unamused: :wink: :laughing:
Now you’ve reminded me I might take a little trip along that way this summer, if only to see what’s left.