BOC Driving assesment

Hi all, got a Driving assesment at BOC rotherham, any tips of what they look for or any other infoappreciated

Safety,safety,safety pal.
Everything by the book, always watch your back because there’s plenty of people that’ll be watching you in the yard and out and about on the roads.
Lock your mobile away in your car pre-shift because if you even think about looking at it with even the keys in the ignition it’s instant dismissal, stick to the footpaths around site safety glasses on at all times and always wear your seatbelt even on site when shunting for loading.

Good luck anyhow :smiley:

Sounds like a cheery place to work

its a good place believe it or not, and i agree with the phone policy as the amount of drivers you see with a phone in their hand is unreal.

same as the amount who come through with cu80 on licences.

its a good place believe it or not, and i agree with the phone policy as the amount of drivers you see with a phone in their hand is unreal.

Bit of a sweeping statement that,I sometimes have my phone in my hand to use google maps to see where I am particularly in London.

Yes i read somewhere else they wont take people with mobile offences on licence, is that what CU80 is

its a good place believe it or not, and i agree with the phone policy as the amount of drivers you see with a phone in their hand is unreal.

same as the amount who come through with cu80 on licences.

Yes but to have to wear a seatbelt when shunting seems a bit excessive.
It is nice to see a company that takes use of the phone so seriously but it sounds like even if you’re parked up safely with the keys in the ignition means dismissal or have I interpreted that incorrectly?

Bit of a sweeping statement that,I sometimes have my phone in my hand to use google maps to see where I am particularly in London.

Still an offence however.

Unless of course your name happens to be Jimmy Carr. :wink:

could you not get a thing that sticks to the screen like a sat nav? why do you need to hold it?

and yes it possibly is excessive but its across the whole company not just drivers. even management are under the same instructions.

I am in a bit of a dilemma really as the phone is just there ready to go where an HGV sat nav is expensive and requires setting up/programming etc. Still given that it is an offence I suppose it costs in really when you take into account fines etc, suppose I’d better invest accordingly.

could you not get a thing that sticks to the screen like a sat nav? why do you need to hold it?

and yes it possibly is excessive but its across the whole company not just drivers. even management are under the same instructions.

Exactly this :slight_smile:
Long serving management have been fired off for having the phones in their hands and to be honest anyone that works for BOC know the script so why risk it, pull over take the call then crack on.

It’s entirely across the board at Boc no prejudice against drivers.

The gas man:
to be honest anyone that works for BOC know the script so why risk it, pull over take the call then crack on.

That makes more sense. Earlier, you said even looking at it with keys in ignition is dismissal which is what made me say it was a bit harsh.
At least you all know where you stand so there’s no grey areas.


The gas man:
to be honest anyone that works for BOC know the script so why risk it, pull over take the call then crack on.

That makes more sense. Earlier, you said even looking at it with keys in ignition is dismissal which is what made me say it was a bit harsh.
At least you all know where you stand so there’s no grey areas.

My apologies for the statement about just looking at your phone, it was meant that it’s that strict no exceptions across the board, even if your making a quick call driving your own car on Boc grounds is grounds for dismissal

Cheers guys for the replies, do you work for them gas man

Money is good ,but the company isn,t the best…scream h&s only when it suits them … :unamused: :unamused:

Margam depot had the biggest ■■■■ of manager peter courtney ,never driven a lorry in his life! :unamused: :unamused: :stuck_out_tongue: (took redundancy now thank zb)

Spying on the drivers with the tracker ,giving them written warnings for speeding :unamused: :unamused:

The Union got involved after 5 out of 8 drivers phoned in sick with work related stress! :open_mouth: Hope things have changed :unamused: :unamused:

Good luck

to be fair i havent had any complaints from drivers about it other than and i understand this, that having to hump bottles about all day gets a bit tedious.

other than that as mentioned money is good and seems to be a one policy fits everyone.

amandam - ebay item number 181633602929 phone holder £1.99 free delivery will save holding the phone in central london. :sunglasses:

It would be on tankers so no ■■■■■■■ bottles, thank goodness has i am too old for that, has for the speeding quite a few are getting like that now but its normally the planners fault for overloading you