Bob mcangus(a run for your money)

hi keith. he was at fred archers and a whole host of others.

r slicker:
hi keith. he was at fred archers and a whole host of others.

I’d probably remember him if I saw him,but my memory for names is terrible,someone will come up to me and say hi,and I’d know the face and where from,but I’d have real problems remembering their name.

I bumped into a guy in Beaune a while ago,and we sat down for a meal and were having a good natter,I knew I’d worked with him in Sweden,but in the end I had to ask him what his name was.

Mind you,Fred had such a turnover of driver’s that it was hard to keep track.

I was recently in contact with Bob, is living few month per year in Spain the rest of the time in South America.

He is a chairman of a company selling passenger plane (Boeing, Airbus, …)

I send him a copy of his movie, he was so happy because i never manage to have copy himself!.

Here is his company website:

Keep on trucking


even if the website exagerates - can’t have been that much of a doughnut can he eh?

He became a minor celeb for a while (though not with drivers) and turned up
at some film premiere with his motor and completely spoiled the effect by
cramming the cab into the cinema’s canopy. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Here’s the incident,the article (from Truck) say’s he also had a collision with a Rolls-Royce in Park Lane the same evening!

Say’s it all really.


r slicker:
hi keith. he was at fred archers and a whole host of others.

I’d probably remember him if I saw him,but my memory for names is terrible,someone will come up to me and say hi,and I’d know the face and where from,but I’d have real problems remembering their name.

I bumped into a guy in Beaune a while ago,and we sat down for a meal and were having a good natter,I knew I’d worked with him in Sweden,but in the end I had to ask him what his name was.

Mind you,Fred had such a turnover of driver’s that it was hard to keep track.

I did that last week on NSF. I stood and talked to this bloke for a couple of hours and he called me by name. I had to ask who it was before we went down for dinner :stuck_out_tongue: I worked with him for over 3 years. Sorry Stuart :smiley: