blow out

going past maidstone this morning and got a blowout on the trailer looks in the mirror dust and bits of tyre everywere ( you no the usual debris) pulled over to the hard shoulder and this rental 7.5 tonner pulls in front and stops this guy comes back to me wearing …sandles with socks …and shorts that come out of the army in 1945 with skinny white legs :laughing: :laughing: then with amazement said your tyre has just gone bang mate :open_mouth: yes mate thats why i stopped…ok just so that you know…then got in his motor and pulled straight out …with out getting any speed up first … thank christ no one was coming up at the time ,
he ain,t got any dress sence let alone any road sence

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
did he have his mate doc. watson with him :stuck_out_tongue:

Perhaps he was a Flat Spotter !! :blush: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Sorry - Couldn’t resist it. :laughing:

Niall .

Good job he wernt in Italy, the driving would have been OK, but they would have arrested him for that singular lack of style!

I always drempt of driving down the road with slippers and shorts arm out the window radio on full blast…it seamed like heaven! :smiley:

But I never did it because of company rules, uniform, phone ringing, etc…

Oh well looks like I am glad I didn’t :wink:

Glad your safe after your ordeal.
I guess you could call it an fashon attack. :open_mouth: :smiley: :smiley:

sandals… socks… skinny white legs that look like chicken drumsticks… no sorry, i wasnt in maidstone this morning! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: (and i`ve worn em in italy too :open_mouth: :laughing: )

hey jonboy…thought i recognised you with the sandals and socks…hope they were white ones…
reminds me of a delivery i once had…on a day job so left the house in my shorts…got to the tip and they refused me entry unless i put my trousers on…but i didnt have any…had to wait a while for another trucker to tip for me…there are some gooduns out there you know…saved my bacon…should have said tipped my bacon…something to do with health and safety they said…
have a nice day

reminds me of a delivery i once had…on a day job so left the house in my shorts…got to the tip and they refused me entry unless i put my trousers on

I wonder what would have been said if you turned up dressed like this:


reminds me of a delivery i once had…on a day job so left the house in my shorts…got to the tip and they refused me entry unless i put my trousers on

I wonder what would have been said if you turned up dressed like this:

I’m just wondering why Itsa[zb] has been perusing sites with pictures of guys wearing kilts - is there something you’ve got to tell us :open_mouth: :question:

Rob K:


reminds me of a delivery i once had…on a day job so left the house in my shorts…got to the tip and they refused me entry unless i put my trousers on

I wonder what would have been said if you turned up dressed like this:

I’m just wondering why Itsa[zb] has been perusing sites with pictures of guys wearing kilts - is there something you’ve got to tell us :open_mouth: :question:

No, I haven’t got anything to tell you all, mind you they do look a good idea.
Picked it off another website I am a regular visitor to,, but don’t let your missus catch you reading it, and no, it’s not a ■■■■ site, it’s worse than that, it’s a mens activism site.