Blood pressure . UPDATE

evening all looking for some info on the above. just been for my medical and it’s come out at 162/111 doc say’s a bit high do you think this could cause me problem’s with dvla. any info would be appreciated.thank’s in advance.

happy day’s. form all filled in with a bp of 143/86 . doc suspect’s white coat syndrome so going to have a bpm fitted for 24 hrs which can prove syndrome and will go on your note’s.

Was it for a DVLA medical or just a check up ?
Might be worth getting a BP tester of your own and checking it daily over a period of time.
If those figures did go on a DVLA medical form I’m sure they’d fail you! I was told the 2nd reading had to be below 90.
Hope you sort something out.

Yeah def get a home monitor. I went to doc’s couple of years ago and she said mine was a bit high. Bought a monitor and tested myself for two weeks every day, turned out it happens to loads of people, you start worrying at the docs about BP and boom, up goes your BP :smiley: Mine turned out to be fine

I find this helpful… … ange-chart

I think the DVLA limit for a medical is 180/100.

slow down the driving a bit, it is a lot less stressful :wink:

From the current DVLA medical guidelines.

Group 2 entitlement vocational — lorries, buses

NB: A Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction of < 0.4 is considered a bar to Group 2 Entitlement.

Disqualifies from driving if resting BP consistently 180 mm Hg systolic or more and/or 100 mm Hg diastolic or more.

Re/licensing may be permitted when controlled provided that treatment does not cause side effects which may interfere with driving.

So unfortunately a diastolic of 111 is a problem.

thank’s for all the replies very helpful. i’m going back to the doc’s on Monday to do bp again then fill the form in, iwas able to get hold of a bp m/c last night and got a reading of 142/93 so not overly concerned. I think sitting in the crowded waiting room for a hour full of whingeing kid’s didn’t help with the high reading. once again many thank’s.

m.a.n rules:
evening all looking for some info on the above. just been for my medical and it’s come out at 162/111 doc say’s a bit high do you think this could cause me problem’s with dvla. any info would be appreciated.thank’s in advance.

Bought me few Weeks ago a Wrist-watch at Boots.
It stores 90 readings and i can check easely everytime in like.
Finding out what effect has Hard Work,Eating,Hot Conversation or whatever on my Bloodpressure. Helps a bit to change your Lifestyle. But you may get Pills anywhy too.

slow down the driving a bit, it is a lot less stressful :wink:

rob I don’t drive fast i’m just very efficient :laughing:

I monitor my own blood pressure and have done for several years. I take it every other Saturday and weigh myself the results are put in the diary I keep of my driving, so I can check back several years. Strangely this morning got the highest reading I’ve ever had at 143/79 with the pulse at 76. Higher than I would like but nothing to worry about it’ll probably lower next time.

I had 158/108 at a check up 4 months before my medical - Went on a diet of 1800 calories a day and lost 4 stone - Medical time 132/92 :smiley:


I had 158/108 at a check up 4 months before my medical - Went on a diet of 1800 calories a day and lost 4 stone - Medical time 132/92 :smiley:


that’s amazing mate well done. I’ve been using a bp m/c today my highest is 146/93 and lowest was 127/77 so I think I will be ok.
just gotta stay :sunglasses:

When I took my medical for my 50th birthday licence renewal, my BP reading was well over the limits (I doubt if you would believe the figures!), and I was told not to drive. This came as a real shock to me, as I felt perfectly fine, although I will admit to being
Several tests followed, all of which showed high BP, and it looked like I would lose my licence indefinitely. However, my doctor
agreed to letting me have a 24hr monitor, and the results were quite different, being just within the DVLA guidelines. The doctors agreed that I had ‘white-coat-syndrome’, and as a result, my licence was re-issued, much to my relief.
Consequently, I was put on to medication, which I still take, and through dieting, have lost over 3 stone.
I really don’t know what i’d have done had I lost my licence, and to be fair, the whole episode was a ‘wake up call’ to try and improve my health.
I’d advise everybody to keep a check on their BP, because even though your readings may be within the DVLA guidelines, they may be more than the medical recommendations, and that can reveal or lead to all sorts of problems. Thankfully, the condition can be brought under control.