Blaupunkt MAN CD24V Radio not working


I have a problem with the MAN TGL I drive at my employer. The Radio doesnt work. Has not worked since I started on the truck in December.

Its a 2006 MAN TGL 12.210, the CD Player is Blaupunkt MAN CD 24V.

The driver that was on the truck before me told that he had checked the fuses, and all was ok there.

My employer doesn’t want to take the truck out for service just because of the CD Player, so for now Im stuck without it.

My thought was then to try fixing it myself, but I got no clue where to start really.

Any tips from here?

i would make sure it does go in for a service then, starting with some abs red faults, then he will have no choice

MAN radios are notoriously bad. I don’t think I’ve ever had one that worked properly, even when there was power to the unit, the reception is terrible. I’d just get used to singing to yourself.

They are rubbish, with the tinniest speakers ever. Probably the best way to fix it is to take out the sump plug and go for a long drive. Problem solved, you’ll get a whole new wagon :wink:

No help with the faulty one here, but for those concerned with the tinny speakers, and i agree, if you cover the two tweeters in the A Pillars with some gaffer tape, you’ll find the sound a lot better.

Does this lorry get serviced, has it not been near the garage since December?

They are rubbish, with the tinniest speakers ever. Probably the best way to fix it is to take out the sump plug and go for a long drive. Problem solved, you’ll get a whole new wagon :wink:

apart from the ■■■■ off great big bass speaker behind the seat.

Juddian, its a Rigid, and well actually It has been in a couple of times, first time for me was with the backlift broken, it stuck out at a 60* angle, not willing to go further up. They forced it up so I could go back to base. Second time was to fix this problem at another Workshop, where they had the part needed.

Third time, I broke a Hose to the Backlift, which resulted in it beeing INOP. But none of these times we have remembered to do the radio.

However, I have fixed the problem now. Had some spare time this weekend, so took the radio out and checked the fuse. It was gone, so I went to get a new one, and that fixed it :slight_smile: Now I finally got a working radio :slight_smile:

Can’t really say I complain to much about the sound :stuck_out_tongue: Atleast I got a radio now :slight_smile:

But ■■■■, I had to force the thing out… The pins that follow with the radio wasnt enough to get it out, when I tried to pull up they just went out, so I took a Screwdriver and forced the thing out :stuck_out_tongue:

The driver that was on the truck before me told that he had checked the fuses, and all was ok there.

Did a good job then :laughing:


The driver that was on the truck before me told that he had checked the fuses, and all was ok there.

Did a good job then :laughing:

just what i thought rob!

Mine didn’t even have electric windows. 2 speakers on the dash, the end. Rubbish!