Blasting horn in the middle of the night!

To Mr head with the crappy horn that beeped 3 or 4 times last night on the a75 just before the ferry terminal. First at 02.15 on the way to the port and then just after 03.00 on the way back. I’m assuming some night creature doing a
Trailer change.

If you would next time like to stop and knock on the door. Each time you phone in for your next job your planner will only hear that horn cos I will ram it so far up your arse I will be your new voice box! There is no need for it.

Great site btw chaps I have had some useful info from the search function since entering this crazy world of haulage!

He must have been lost as the ferry terminals are on the A77!![emoji56]

Hmm yes I thought id put 77. Been a long day looking forward to getting off this boat! For some kip, well that’s if you lot don’t stick me in a hedge first! Or even let me off the boat!

I enjoy a good blast on my horn in the middle of the night. Don’t come knocking or open my door though. Your eyes will be ruined forever.

You should try night tramping. If you think people are inconsiderately loud at night then imagine them during the day time.

I started a thread a few months ago, a guy was deliberately waking up sleeping drivers on an Ind est, a fellow driver btw :unamused: .
We had one guy come on justifying it believe it or not :unamused: , implying I was parked dangerously,…I wasn’t.
So what chance have we got.

To Mr head with the crappy horn that beeped 3 or 4 times last night on the a75 just before the ferry terminal. First at 02.15 on the way to the port and then just after 03.00 on the way back. I’m assuming some night creature doing a
Trailer change.

If you would next time like to stop and knock on the door. Each time you phone in for your next job your planner will only hear that horn cos I will ram it so far up your arse I will be your new voice box! There is no need for it.

Great site btw chaps I have had some useful info from the search function since entering this crazy world of haulage!

Simple solution if you want a good nights kip without being disturbed don`t park up on a busy main road.

Simple solution if you want a good nights kip without being disturbed don`t park up on a busy main road.

Really I never would of thought of that how stupid of me!

I don’t have a problem parking on busy roads, plus it’s not as bad as some places I’ve ran out of time due to traffic or poor planning issues and such. The traffic doesn’t bother me the beeping of the horn does.

He either knew the truck or firm maybe and thought he or she would be a smart arse and wake me up.