Blast from the past J A Millar

nobody remembers them better than me I was transport manager for Joe .(michael rice)

Good snaps.

Now this takes me back! I remeber the fleet of centurions that they ran, were a very common sight on the roads here, excellent pics routier!

Kev feels all nostalgic!lol


Is that an Anduff International behind the Topline in the bottom pic?


could maybe be robinson,portadown way,not that my eyesight is great. and i think the topline was mrs millars truck.

routier do you have any snaps of millars mercedes 1850? wee alec drove it,think it was the only merc they had.

I remember the article printed in TRUCK where Isobel Millar was on a trip down to Smithfield and the guy doing the story (might have been Phil Llewellyn) was changing fuses on the move.

Still got it somewhere,it was included in a Scania special included in TRUCK.

routier do you have any snaps of millars mercedes 1850? wee alec drove it,think it was the only merc they had.

No but I remember it well , anybody got any pics of it ? They used to tip a lot in Liverpools meat market, which is just down the road where i grew up. The abbattoir stopped slaughtering circa 1981 and didnt see much of Millars in there any more.

scania king kev:
Is that an Anduff International behind the Topline in the bottom pic?


It certainly looks like it is