Blank C.M.R.s

I would like the views of Barristers, Solicitors, HMRC, and Haulage industry professionals as to:
Where I went wrong?
What could I have done better?
How am I supposed to operate across borders without carrying a supply of blank CMRs to accommodate the regular occurrence outlined below?
Back ground information:
International haulier stopped while entering the U.K. after collecting a load in mainland Europe.
The collection point for the load did not have facilities to generate a CMR.
The driver provided a blank CMR to the loaders, assisted them in completing the CMR and left a fully completed and signed copy at the load site the remaining copies accompanied the load.
Direct quote from an HMRC Higher Review Officer
“Blank CMR documents were found in the cab of the vehicle and Mr ####### stated that if there was not a CMR for the load either he or someone else could fill one in. This is not the action one would expect from a reputable transporter”

At this stage I will not name the officer concerned as I do not wish to embarrass him unduly, but I do feel this issue needs to be publicised, clarified, and in my opinion the person concerned taken to task and retrained.

He/she is a knob. Currently sat in my cab in Germany looking at a folder of 50 blank CMR’s. I would suggest most trucks shipping out would have blank cmr’s with them.

to be criticised for having non I could understand
but having blanks no way

I always have blank CMR’s with me. I have to have them.

Stupid officer doesn’t know what he/she is talking about…

As said by others, always carry blank CMR`s normally make out at least 2 a week.

Blank CMRs are must have items on international journeys.

The HMRC “officer” is a ■■■ who should consider retraining as a Tosco shelf stacker

Unless this officer can provide evidence supporting his statement, I’d say he doesn’t understand the law. Of course you have to carry blank CMRs when operating abroad, for exactly the situation the OP mentions.

When I was running in the eu I always had blanks,some customers would not load you if you didn,t produce a blank c.m.r and that was 20yrs ago.
regards dave.

Most places of loading in France you need a blank CMR ,I always try to get a stamp from the loading company on the cmr.On the groupage work that i do, up to 20 CMRS can be used in a week.I have our own Cmrs plus ones from the 3 companies we work off.

Regarding C.M.R.S


A direct quote

“The description should be acceptable to the consignor and consignee. For security reasons, you do not always want the carrier to be able to identify valuable goods”.

So use any description if its worth something don’t worry about the implications on the carrier when stopped at borders!

I carried sheaves of blank CMRs for years and used them all the time. If you fill them in honestly and correctly there should be no problem with them. Robert

I always carried blanks, I also used to pp one of the boxes when I signed my name, can’t remember which one though, but I’m sure it was because I was filling it out on behalf of whoever should have provided it. Someone must’ve told me about it, don’t know if it was a driver’s myth I fell for, but my papers were examined by all kinds of gun toting officials in many different lands and I never had any problems.

What a load of crap
Carry none and loading point has none possible fine being stopped
Only person i know fined for a cmr was because agents details eere in carrier box
And he did t have his co name in succ carrier box
Was a picky frenchman that issued the fine tho

What a load of crap
Carry none and loading point has none possible fine being stopped
Only person i know fined for a cmr was because agents details eere in carrier box
And he did t have his co name in succ carrier box
Was a picky frenchman that issued the fine tho


I had 2 collections in Germany yesterday. Both customers asked me for blank CMR’s. I of course obliged, being as I carry and use loads each week. :wink:


What a load of crap
Carry none and loading point has none possible fine being stopped
Only person i know fined for a cmr was because agents details eere in carrier box
And he did t have his co name in succ carrier box
Was a picky frenchman that issued the fine tho


Basically what a load of crap for carrying no cmrs

If get stopped abroad with a load and no cmr you can be fined for it only know of one person who has been but got a severe bollocking and another driver stopped gave him a blank cmr (in france)

Only person i know fined for a cmr offence was because his agents details were in carrier box and his companys were not in succesive carriers box