Blackwall Tunnel

Is it just me or does anyone else hate going through the Northbound tunnel. Everytime I get back to daylight I breathe a massive sigh of relief. All the way through the tunnel I am watching in the O/S mirror willing the car in the right lane not to edge up any closer. Luckily I’ve never had a problem there, but some of the corners take me right over the line.

Surely there must be regular collisions?

Never had any problem with it. Southbound always seems to be closed whenever I go that way on nights.

Always been too high to fit through northbound so can’t comment. Southbound has been caused me any problems and that includes the one time I went through with an empty 4-axle rear steer low-loader - you just take up both lanes and that stops them getting up the side of you. I suggest you do the same going northbound if you’re having problems. :bulb:

the northbound is very twisty and the outside lane has chains or something hanging down the whole length of the tunnel to stop trucks moving into it.
so taking up both lanes is a no no. to be fair most car drivers do hold back when them corners come up. :wink:

the northbound is very twisty and the outside lane has chains or something hanging down the whole length of the tunnel to stop trucks moving into it.
so taking up both lanes is a no no. to be fair most car drivers do hold back when them corners come up. :wink:


Does anyone remember going thro.the rotherhithe tunnel years ago when we were allowed to.That was a dark tight ride
Regards dave.

the northbound is very twisty and the outside lane has chains or something hanging down the whole length of the tunnel to stop trucks moving into it.
so taking up both lanes is a no no. to be fair most car drivers do hold back when them corners come up. :wink:

Hmm. Well if you can’t get round the corners without taking up both lanes, but there are chains to stop you using the other lane then I’d be questioning whether one should be in the tunnel in the first place. :bulb:

Common sense alert? :bulb: :bulb:

They arnt chains they are soft tube like things hanging down from the roof and dont do any damage if you hit them only it sets them swinging. Usually an artic entering the tunnel just clips the one as it bends to the right and then you are ok. As to taking up the road you will be nicked if you do and theres really no need as there is enough room. I do agree its tight though and never really enjoy it as 8 wheels has said. I dont like the right hand tunnel at Dartford either and generally aim for the right hand one

Rob K:

the northbound is very twisty and the outside lane has chains or something hanging down the whole length of the tunnel to stop trucks moving into it.
so taking up both lanes is a no no. to be fair most car drivers do hold back when them corners come up. :wink:

Hmm. Well if you can’t get round the corners without taking up both lanes, but there are chains to stop you using the other lane then I’d be questioning whether one should be in the tunnel in the first place. :bulb:

Common sense alert? :bulb: :bulb:

i used to go through with a super space cab and the bollards used to bang the cab i bloody hated it. :imp: but it is the best main rd through london now and you can skip the m25.

i used to use the southbound tunnel going to the isle of grain and i could skip the m25 by doing that. but coming north the tunnel is 13’ 4".

should read dont like the left and aim for the right

The problem with the northbound tunnel is those “Chains” are actually half filled with concrete metal tubes, so to stop trucks using the outside lane, but, on the first and second bends, even if you are tight on the left hand edge, the trailer cut in is such that if a car is alongside you it will get squashed, there is no way around it, and you cant straddle the lanes because of the overhead hazard. The should really take the overhead tubes away as they are dangerous, but being England, they wont, they will just make you wear a hard hat when driving under them!! :smiley:

And how do i know they were concrete filled. A few years back i came through the tunnel in a car, and a Luton transit in front of me went through the height restrictions outside the tunnel in the nearside lane, then moved into the outside lane before entering the tunnel. Then all we saw were 5/6 of these tubes come through the body and out the back. It was hilarious. We stopped as witnesses and had a good laugh and when the copper arrived he told us they were concrete filled. The poor driver of his transit was crying and telling us it was only his 3rd day on the job…Probably was his last too.

Southbound is no problem, its not even too bad in the morning when its two way.

But Northbound does have some nasty twists, that have to be taken quite wide with my 40’ 8 wheeler.

To date the car drivers have played ball, I just dread the day I get a hero alongside who thinks he can make it.

And yes I tend to opt for the right hand tube at Dartford.

Another strange one is that the Dartford Tnls are not exactly huge but are 50mph limit whereas the Limehouse Link which is positively cavernous is 30mph with cameras.

Are they really filled with concrete? I always found a fridge being that little bit wider always hit the ones on the first bend but they sounded soft. I must admit they never seemed to do any damage but then maybe I was lucky.

Maybe they used to be, but are now softer. They sway in a manner that suggests they are not that heavy when a big vehicle goes through.

Are they really filled with concrete? I always found a fridge being that little bit wider always hit the ones on the first bend but they sounded soft. I must admit they never seemed to do any damage but then maybe I was lucky.

They may well be hollow now, but that day back in 96 i think it was they were most definately filled with concrete. The copper told us it was done as a deterrant. I did notice a couple of weeks ago when i went through that the breeze of a truck going by rocks them so they cant be anymore. probably for the best, or else you would have some Polish drivers face embedded into one where he hit it wouldnt you!!!

Oh I forgot to mention that on the bends, the tubes above lane 2 are missing so that you can briefly cross the line IF nothing is there.

So there are no restrictions to vehicles using the tunnel other than height and an allowance has been made for you to safely pass through. Hmmm

People have told me Blackwall tunnel Southbound (the more modern one) is tight, wondered what all the fuss was about when i want through it, more or less straight and has stacks of room.

Northbound is different, it’s an old Victorian one designed for horse and carts! It has bends and i seem to remember its a ‘Y’ shape? Last time i went through that was on a school trip!

I hate the right hand Dartford one, which was clearly built on the cheap! but even that is ‘ok’ unless you get some ■■■■■■ in an Artic decide to over take you in there (ignoring the speed limit, weight restriction and overtaking restriction) Still if you;re ever dumb enought to do that Dont do it to another DHL vehicle while you’re towing a DHL trailer, someone might complain to the TM when they get to Hatfield! :smiling_imp:

That was a dark tight ride
Regards dave.

And is it me or does that sound slightly dodgey? :laughing:

I,ve been down the blackwall last night , only S/B to high to come N/B . What a ball ache that A12 is stop start stop start stop start . I thought i would never get to charlton . Next time i,m coming down the way i go back , A2 to the dartford crossing .

Some of those DHL drivers out of Hatfield should have their backsides kicked anyway Dennisw1, the guys I see driving out of Shatfield….opps I mean Hatfield in the morning drive like ■■■■ loony’s, only a matter of time before there’s a smack, 7.5 tonners are the worst though.

On the subject of the Blackwall tunnel, i use the Woolwich ferry going north, nice snack van, you never know the banksman might even put you in the middle lane when one of the ramps is out of action…what joy

7.5 tonners are the worst though.

Well one of them decided to park up next to computa centre the other week… only trouble was he parked the wagon on it’s side :unamused:

“he was only going slow”

Most of the 7.5t drivers are just parcel slingers, most of them arent much good at that either!