BJ Myers transport old pics wanted

Hi All,

can any body help me out with any old photos of this Traction & container company i think they ran Magnums, Volvos & Ivecos , i look forward to the pics , cheers Alan.

Hi All,

can any body help me out with any old photos of this Traction & container company i think they ran Magnums, Volvos & Ivecos , i look forward to the pics , cheers Alan.

They also ran 1418 and 1924 mercs back in the 70,s friend of mine used to work there then when the yard was in bermonsey.


I have hundreds from the '70’s to the present - I’ll try to find time to scan them soon and put them on here


I remember BJ Myers European Traction Services very well, they were one of out subbies when I drove for MAT. I have been to their yard in London loads of times and been out for a few beers with the lads. I don’t have any pictures of the motors but I remeber them well

Hi all,
thanks for all the info look forward to the photos K, cheers Alan.

myers still going changed names a few times to get rid of bad reputation one being huntdene now trading as myers again park the trucks on an ind est in aylesford run by tony myers now i believe

myers still going changed names a few times to get rid of bad reputation one being huntdene now trading as myers again park the trucks on an ind est in aylesford run by tony myers now i believe run volvo and renault premiums now


Get your facts right mate - B.J. Myers Haulage incorporated 1976 + our sister co B.J. Myers Transport Ltd in 1980.

We have NEVER traded under any other names since then - Huntdene was a company we bought out in 1999.

True to say we lost our Operators Licence along the way, but this was reinstated.

The family own other companies, thats true.

Bad reputation? Is that why our main customers are still with us for over 30 years and we have some major blue chip companies amongst them.

Tony Myers running the company now? Well thats me and I have run it for the last 35 years!

And you are right - we have a nice late fleet of Volvo FH’s and Renault , dont forget the DAF 105 SSC’s and MAN

Love to all

Tony Myers

hi tony (knowall)

can you post us some pics mate please :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Not quite what you’re looking for but its a start :smiley:


Hi Tony,(knowall),

well said in your last post you have updated the fleet alot recently new Volvos & Renaults are you still running the Mans & nice to see a company trading for a long time ,

cheers Alan.

I need to ask my friend in next few days but i,m sure i got it wrong, you never run out of Tilbury

Hi Tony (knowall)

I worked for you, Brian and George during the 90’s.
1st unit I had was a Renault Major. Then followed by a couple of Magnums (N reg).
I started with you in 1995, then left to work with the BBC for 6 months.
Came back with you and then left in 1997 to work on Formula 1.
Used to do a lot of work for MAT, Ford at Bridgend, Steel, Paper (even silver bullion for a bit) and my favourite (not) a flatbed with 2 tilt curtains for loads from Cheltenham to Felixstowe! God that was hard work trying to get the sheets to look anyway tidy. They weighed an absolute tonne!
Many a time I got soaked there trying to sheet up with them tilt sheets, did not need a gym session after that.
Trying to rembever some of the other drivers who were there.
Pooley, Little Jack from Newcastle, Dave (nose looked like a boxer) and the young lad who used to do the maintenance on the units.

I recall a story where you said to Pooley ‘If you have a problem, no matter what time of night please call me’.
Pooley called you at 03:00 am and said ‘You know you said to call you if I had a problem, well I have, I can’t sleep!’
I am not sure I can repeat what you said to him here!

Glad to hear your business is still running well.
Are you still running an AMG car? Used to love your old E36 AMG (think it was an E36?).
Is George still with you or has he retired now?



Firstly - what is your surname?

Secondly - thanks for reviving this thread as nine months ago I said I would add some old photos and still haven’t done it - I must get round to it.

George left us in '97 after 26 years when we moved out of Purfleet - he drove a transit for a few years and has now retired to the North East as far as I told as unfortunately we lost contact.

I think Pooley has retired now, left us a few years back and then worked for Riverside.

I don’t drive Mercs any more, still German cars of a smaller sporty variety - bit stupid at my age I guess.

Other than that, we are much the same as we always were, similar sized fleet, similar work.



I have a nice photo of a Leyland Marathon reg no BMV 314T. I will try and dig it out, i think i have a few others too. I dont think Myers had too many Marathons. Hopefully Tony can give us a bit of Myers history. (Dont remember any Mercs though).

A couple here from Bob Hobbs collection on


We had, from memory, four Marathons, two sleepers and two non-sleepers.

Bit of company history?

Founded 1968, operating mainly tippers for first four or five years, first tractor was a 1967 Guy with a 180 Gardner bought in 1972m followed by a few old Guys, Leyland Beavers, a Scania 110, a Volvo F88, a Merc 1418, couple of Atkies.

Colours in those days Ford Ambassador Blue with a Ford Cargo Grey stripe.

First new tractor was a Merc 1418 in 1976 when the colours were reversed, then a year old 1418, then two new DAF 2800’s in 1977, followed by six or seven 1924 Mercs during that year.

1978 saw two new Volvo F10’s and two more DAF 2800’s.

1979 brought 4 new DAF 2800’s, 1980 the same plus various used DAF 2200’s and 2300’s from the Penfold Commercials hire fleet that was closed down.

Three new 2800’s in 1981, 2 new 3300’s in 1982.

Six wheeled tractors came along in 1983 for the 38 tonne Gross Weight - four new Volvo F12’s, four new Scania 112’s and a used MAN V10 - plus the 3300’s were converted to six wheelers.

Big expansion in 1984 brought 12 DAF 3300 twin steers and in 1985 we took over 20 new Iveco 220.30’s and arounf the same number in 1986.

Only 1 new truck in 1987, a 220.30 - far better build quality as I remember.

1988 brought in excess of 20 more Iveco’s, this time 220.36’s, and three new Ford Cargo 3828 twin steers, plus fleet colours changed to Audi Metallic Red and Silver.

1989 Around 12 new 220.36’s.

1990 - the Cargo went bang for the last time and were replaced by three 220.36 Turbo Star’s

1991 - 1992 - fleet drastically downsized for recession

1993 - six new Iveco Euro Tech’s (awful bloody things), plus various second hand Iveco’s

1994 - 10 new Renault Magnum 420’s including some low heights - new colours of blue + white

1995 - 12 New Renault Major 340’s and 30 new Renault Magnums

1996 - All vehicles changed for new Renault Magnums, believed to be largest fleet of Magnums in the UK, possibly Europe

1997 - 1998 some second hand Magnums added.

1999 - Magnums gone due to end of deal with Renault and fleet downsized. 12 Renault Premiums purchased.

2000 - Ten Renault Premiums added.

2001 - 3 new Premiums + various secondhand Magnums

2002 - no changes!!

2003 - no changes !!

2004 - 4 new Renault Magnum 440’s, 10 new MAN XXL 460’s

2005 - 4 Iveco Stralis, 5 new MAN XXL 430’s

2006 - 13 new MAN 440’s

2007 - fleet expanded by way of many hired trucks

Since 2008 our fleet has been standardised on DAF 105 and Renault Premium, although we still have a DAF 95 and a MAN XXL.

My fingers hurt after typing that lot, I’ve remembered most of them.


Wow…thanks for taking the time to write that lot out!!. I’ll try and sort out these photos for you.

A couple more Myers memories…Tony, do you remember going to a breakdown at Toddington services southbound many years ago?. One of the Ford Cargos had conked out next to me and i remember one of the blokes trying to fix it was also called Tony. I dont know what was wrong with it but it seamed pretty terminal!!!.
Also,in your fleet list you did,nt mention the old Foden ( reg no SXJ 955K ). Did,nt this old girl end up on its side somewhere while pulling a container?. Funny how things come back to you after all these years.

Looks like you had a Foden at some stage too. Well bits of one.