Bizarre survey

Not quite truck related but most of you drive a car. … junctions/

BMW, Merc and AUDI " driver’s ", are mostly driven by complete ■■■■’s.

As Forest Gump said, " And that’s all I have to say about that ".

Firstly do they actually mean block a junction which is wrong anyway.While letting anyone out can be mugs game for all concerned because sooner or later it’s going to end in tears v the typical overtaking or undertaking ( they’ll call it ‘filtering’ ) biker or other traffic approaching in the opposite direction.

Probably means a car waiting to turn left onto a main road with bumper to bumper to bumper traffic and waiting for someone to ‘let them in’ - that sort of scenario.

Beezle - do you find no-one lets you in? :wink:

Oh no, just realised what I said then. :open_mouth:

Do other vehicles let you out? :unamused: :smiley:

Probably means a car waiting to turn left onto a main road with bumper to bumper to bumper traffic and waiting for someone to ‘let them in’ - that sort of scenario.

Beezle - do you find no-one lets you in? :wink:

LOL, I’m generally in no rush…
I just sit back and play with my indicators wondering what they are for! :smiley:

Sounds about right :smiley: