Bit too long??? … n=sharebar

Good effort that!

Police stop lorry on the M4 carrying huge 50-metre long load hanging off the back - Wales Online

Good effort that!

Whatever happened to the days when a bit of rag tied on the back would suffice

what are the stgo rules for overhanging loads at the back.

skim reading the article it appears that it wasnt the length but the fact it was on the wrong type of lorry and wrong route

what are the stgo rules for overhanging loads at the back.

skim reading the article it appears that it wasnt the length but the fact it was on the wrong type of lorry and wrong route

Pretty much anything can be carried if you follow the rules. Longer, wider, heavier, loads have been legally carried before.
So going off route, going over axle weights, gross weights, or whatever is wrong here is the problem, not the load itself.
Correct vehicle on approved route = no problem for that load.

Bit of exaggeration there, it’s a long way short of 50 metres and I’m struggling to see 94 tonne.

There was more to it than that apparently … ube-on-m4/

Inspectors said the load weight was too heavy for the vehicle, the paperwork was incorrect, the lorry did not have enough axles on the ground and the driver had deviated from the route in the paperwork.

I noticed it parked up on Sunday lunchtime but didn’t realise it was on a prohibition. Do they have to transfer it to another vehicle to continue?

Star down under.:
Bit of exaggeration there, it’s a long way short of 50 metres and I’m struggling to see 94 tonne.

Certainly don`t look it to me either, but photos can be deceptive.

The part of the trailer with the trailer wheels would be ten-ish metres?
The extended part in front appears to be ? one and a half times that?
3-ish metres over 5th wheel?
Thats 28m and Nooteboom Mega trailers (for example) stretch to 29m, so that sort of adds up I think. And if there is 30m on the trailer, there doesnt look to be 20m out the back, does there?

We cant see what is inside the load, but if it was an empty steel tube? Agree again, dont look like 94T.

Still, I`m sure that someone there will have a tape measure, and know how to use it!
Not so sure that reporters are good at accurate reporting.

If you blow up the photo, the length of the lorry is 24x the height of the orange man.
So if he is 6 foot that’s at least 45 meters.

Gotta say hats off for that bit of image analysis, I didn’t spot that picture when I was looking at the story earlier. I notice someone has redacted a bit in the middle, I imagine its the company name?

If you blow up the photo, the length of the lorry is 24x the height of the orange man.
So if he is 6 foot that’s at least 45 meters.

Thats a better pic than I was looking at. Reckon youre right.
Also the SSC DAF cab is just shy of 4.0m on “normal” wheels. Ties in.

I didn’t see that picture when I made my comment. Just goes to show pictures can lie.
I’m surprised that’s not being moved on a steerable jinker.

It will be interesting to see which ‘charges’ actually stick when it comes to court rather than plod’s ‘look at how clever we are’ publicity. There is a lot hanging out the back on this one too at 57 metres.

It’s sill there as of today.

It’s sill there as of today.

I noticed a cab roof when I went over on Thursday but didn’t drop to the junction to see if it was the same wagon.

Not the easiest load to split ot transfer to another vehicle.

Saw it this morning. It looks even longer in real life hah!

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It was still sat there yesterday.

There was a long old pipe going east on the m4 tonight, different livery cab but otherwise might have been the same cargo.

It was still there at 1845 when I headed back to base today 27/10.

So someone is waiting for this pipe and could be holding up a significant build, I wonder if the customer can seek to claim damages from the transport co?