Bike Accidents

After reading about Wayne’s set to with the Armco at Manchester Airport.

"What’s the ‘Best/Worst’ Bike accident you’ve had ?

Mine was courier riding in Fleet Street,London, around 1980.
Got knocked off & broke my Tibia & Fibia/shin right outside the Daily Express Office, thought I might have been famous & be in next days news ! Sadly not.
& just to end the day off, a fellow courier was sent down to fetch the bike, a CX 500 (only a few months old) he wrote it off & broke both his legs doing about 80mph in Pointers Road, Dunstable, same night.

Not a bad accident but hilarious to watch. A chat I used to ride out with used to use a disc lock, we pulled up outside a pub, had a coffee and on leaving there were several young ladies sat outside sunning themselves.

Matey starts his bike, gave it big lots of throttle and pulls away…Disk lock, over he went :smiley:

I bought a 250cc 4 stroke motor-cross bike in Hanoi northern Vietnam and rode all the way down to Saigon with a mate, he bought a very old Honda Win 120cc I think??

About a 1000 miles and a month later we were on the last stretch with about 150 miles to go when I took a corner too fast descending down the mountains and lent it over to much and the front wheel went from underneath me.
My right leg was trapped under the bike as I slid towards the cliff edge, and I could feel the skin ripping off my leg. I was wearing shorts and flip flops and no top. Not cool.
The bike settled on top of me and I quickly realised that petrol was pooring itself all over my torso but my mate who was following behind managed to lift it off me.
It was then that he went white and told me to stay there, there was a hole in my foot and you could see my meta carpel bone moving inside my foot, similar to Terminator when he cuts his arm and shows all the components moving inside.

By the time my mate stopped all the blood and taped a cloth over my foot it was getting dark and we were struggling to decide what to do with my bike, it wouldn’t start and I couldn’t ride it if I wanted to, I was in agony.
We put it on a passing low loader and bunged the driver some money and he gave us an address where he would drop in Saigon, I took a chance and away he went.
I jumped on the back of my mates bike with both packs and in absolute agony and the worst pain of my life rolled into Saigon about 4 and a half hours later where I ended up recovering in a guest house for nearly a month.
There are much worst accidents out there than mine but this was the most pain I’ve ever had and will ever have hopefully.

Nearly two years ago now, this is my foot tonight.

Oh, the low loader driver held is end of the bargain up and I paid someone to collect it a few days later, I then sold it for 50 dollars :frowning:

:sunglasses: Cool story FB, sounds a bit like the Top Gear Vietnam Special from a couple of years ago.

A month in a Saigon guest house ! I bet they ‘Loved you Long Time’ :laughing:

I came across a Big Bike Accident a few years ago (83mph into the side of a 16 ton rigid) the guys arm was split open & the veins & muscles were a really vivid colour (much like the reds & blues you see on medical diagrams) Sadly he died later that day.

Hopefully people will read some of these stories & think about what they are doing when they are playing on Bikes.

I crashed during a wet race at Pembrey 12 years ago, I locked the front when braking for the hairpin and stupidly “dabbed” a foot down, I then ran into the back of the guy in front driving the knuckle of my right little finger back to my wrist before falling off. I tried standing up twice before I looked down at my left leg and noticed the sole of my left boot facing upwards!

As I was full of adrenaline and didn’t want my expensive leathers cutting off me I forced my foot back down. At Camarthen general the surgeon wanted to amputate my foot, but obviously I refused, que a slab pot for my arm and one for my leg, a very nervous 15 year old son driving a sprinter plus caravan back to Teesside, a visit to a specialist at North Tees, lots of titanium bits and bobs and lots of time off work!

Maybe Wayne should have tried this in Manchester! … video_user

the maoster:
I crashed during a wet race at Pembrey 12 years ago, I locked the front when braking for the hairpin and stupidly “dabbed” a foot down, I then ran into the back of the guy in front driving the knuckle of my right little finger back to my wrist before falling off. I tried standing up twice before I looked down at my left leg and noticed the sole of my left boot facing upwards!

As I was full of adrenaline and didn’t want my expensive leathers cutting off me I forced my foot back down. At Camarthen general the surgeon wanted to amputate my foot, but obviously I refused, que a slab pot for my arm and one for my leg, a very nervous 15 year old son driving a sprinter plus caravan back to Teesside, a visit to a specialist at North Tees, lots of titanium bits and bobs and lots of time off work!

Maybe Wayne should have tried this in Manchester! … video_user

Ha Ha ! it’s amazing that he managed to get round the airport without filling up, my mate had a Panigale & we used to have to stop in between our normal petrol stops because the Ducati would use so much go go juice & it packed up on him once, electrical fault, it was only 6 months old (£20,000 piece of Junk :laughing: )
I’ll stick with my Bandit. :smiley:

the maoster:
I crashed during a wet race at Pembrey 12 years ago, I locked the front when braking for the hairpin and stupidly “dabbed” a foot down, I then ran into the back of the guy in front driving the knuckle of my right little finger back to my wrist before falling off. I tried standing up twice before I looked down at my left leg and noticed the sole of my left boot facing upwards!

As I was full of adrenaline and didn’t want my expensive leathers cutting off me I forced my foot back down. At Camarthen general the surgeon wanted to amputate my foot, but obviously I refused, que a slab pot for my arm and one for my leg, a very nervous 15 year old son driving a sprinter plus caravan back to Teesside, a visit to a specialist at North Tees, lots of titanium bits and bobs and lots of time off work!

Maybe Wayne should have tried this in Manchester! … video_user

That sounds horrific man, must of been a bit of a mess!!

8) Cool story FB, sounds a bit like the Top Gear Vietnam Special from a couple of years ago.

A month in a Saigon guest house ! I bet they ‘Loved you Long Time’ :laughing:

I came across a Big Bike Accident a few years ago (83mph into the side of a 16 ton rigid) the guys arm was split open & the veins & muscles were a really vivid colour (much like the reds & blues you see on medical diagrams) Sadly he died later that day.

Hopefully people will read some of these stories & think about what they are doing when they are playing on Bikes.

Yes it was similar, it was only when I watched it again when I got back to the UK that I realised we stopped in pretty much the same places.
And yes they looked after me very well :laughing:

That sounds horrific man, must of been a bit of a mess!!

Well there was lots of pain for a few months, and the problem with one of the bones I broke in my ankle (the talus bone) is that it’s susceptible to the tiny vein that supplies it with blood being damaged, in which case the bone dies and the only option is fusing the bones together meaning you get no ankle movement whatsoever. I guess I got lucky by getting a ■■■■ good surgeon tbh. All I’m left with now is a slight limp and a very neat and tidy 8 inch scar, though for all the pain I’d have preferred a real scar that looked something like a shark bite! :smiley: