Big trucks pictures

i see its now stealth mode for forward facing speed cameras!!

nice looking trailer

i got one them trailers myself they look ok when clean and are really good for tipping however got a tip for you keep your eye on the floor for cracks i know of two that have collapsed in the middle.i think kelberg have stopped making them now and have gone to the fifty pence pice shape.

wheres the front number plate driver?

wheres the front number plate driver?

I had the diff go out just before Xmas and the tow truck broke off the number plate when she was hooked up,its back on now I hope :exclamation: :exclamation: :laughing:

i got one them trailers myself they look ok when clean and are really good for tipping however got a tip for you keep your eye on the floor for cracks i know of two that have collapsed in the middle.i think kelberg have stopped making them now and have gone to the fifty pence pice shape.

I really liked the trailer too and when I brought it to N.Ireland in late 2004 it was the first “half-pipe” to be seen there.
Now nearly every artic man at the quarry work runs one,wish I was on commission from Kel-Berg :exclamation: :exclamation: :cry:
No worries about the trailer now though: