Big or Small?

Would you rather work for a small operator with say, 2 or 3 trucks or a large concern?
The reason I ask is because I’ve been offered a job with a local operator with 3 tippers and a couple of JCBs. Nice family firm very well maintained kit and I was asked because they want “someone who doesn’t rush about,” and because I can drive plant if needed.
I’d like to work somewhere with no trackers, common sense over rulebooks etc but surely there’s less job security?
The reason for the vacancy is because the boss is retiring and his son is taking over, who’s just as easy going as his dad.

I’ve worked for big firms, generally I’ve found your a payroll number and nothing more. It has it’s advantages in that there’s less responsibility usually, and you can hide in a crowd a bit if needs be.

I know work for a company of three. The boss, me and another driver. Your more responsible and it takes more active effort, but I definetly feel more needed and more involved with the running of things.

Personally, smaller firm every time :slight_smile:

Devil you know and your feet well under the table are things to consider strongly.

Having been around a good few years now i’ve heard the grand speel from the best spinners there are, telling you what you want to hear…not suggesting the small company you are considering is like this, but many who fell under the spell from the expert i’m thinking of never ever twigged.

Maybe you need a change only you can say, but stand back and take a long hard look at what you want from life and your work life within that, which company has the long term prospects for themselves and more importantly you.

Small family-run firm, definitely.

Do you think the son could put up with you moaning all the time?

Small.Doesnt matter how big it is . .its knowing how to use it.

Best make your mind up fast I would think your current firm could well be reading this if not some brownnose will probably tell them all about it,good luck :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Best make your mind up fast I would think your current firm could well be reading this if not some brownnose will probably tell them all about it,good luck :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Someone on here who dont like him (sure theres a few) will probably end up sending a link straight to them via e-mail.

Personally I would also work for a smaller family firm as well. I could not put up with all the ■■■■ you hear on here from the big boys.
I like to make my own decisions based on what’s in front of me not someone sitting in an office 200 miles away.
And to be honest do we really need job security as HGV drivers? Go for it mate.


Best make your mind up fast I would think your current firm could well be reading this if not some brownnose will probably tell them all about it,good luck :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Someone on here who dont like him (sure theres a few) will probably end up sending a link straight to them via e-mail.

And I don’t give a flying (letter after E)…

small every time.
my old firm when they were very small before expanding in quite a big way were brilliant to work for.
you had to work hard ,but they made it worthwhile-always a drink for doing an extra load whilst on hire to someone else,got paid when off sick even though i was self employed(they knew if i had i day off i was dying lol)
little things like this make you go the extra mile for them.
unfortunately when they got much bigger very quickly the attitudes of my bosses changed very quickly.
if i could go back to when they first started out and where very small(yes it meant helping with breakdowns and changing your own wheels etc) but the responsibility and trust you had were priceless.

Go for the small firm, all being well it’ill give and take and if you do a good job you will be respected and well looked after,I loath the big firms &their ar**e licking management who will dump anybody just to get one jump ahead they have no respect and understanding of basic decency,O sh*t hope my driver’s not reading this :wink:

You’ll probably be happier at the smaller firm, but only if you are prepared to work as hard and as flexibly as if you were working for yourself: ie changing tyres and similar jobs. Most small co’s can’t employ people with the ‘I’m just a driver attitude’ (not saying that’s you personally,mind).

But, you will still be ‘just’ an employee if times get hard and they have to let you go.

Small, every time. In my experience, it’s just a more pleasent and friendly place to work. With the small firm you will probably have to give a bit more on occassions. I don’t mean anything naughty, just help out in the yard, trans ship loads etc. Where as with the large firm you will be able to say it’s not your job to do that or you’re dog has a twitch or you have a twisted sock, so you are unable to carry out that duty sorry boss. But they will have 100 other drivers who will do it and will be getting paid the same as you. If you work for a big firm with your small firm strong work ethic, the big firm will take advantage of you :angry: . If you work for a small firm with you’re strong work ethic, you will be a valued employee and looked after :smiley:
I know who I’d be graffting for :wink:

You’ll probably be happier at the smaller firm, but only if you are prepared to work as hard and as flexibly as if you were working for yourself: ie changing tyres and similar jobs. Most small co’s can’t employ people with the ‘I’m just a driver attitude’ (not saying that’s you personally,mind).

But, you will still be ‘just’ an employee if times get hard and they have to let you go.

I agree, I ‘downsized’ and went from a largish company to a two truck firm because it suited me better. Did a lot of my own repairs and also found my own work when things went slack at ‘our’ quarry, also went in on some saturdays to wash and grease the lorry in my own time, not theirs, but I did it for my convenience and felt that I was appreciated by them for it. They never expected me to do anything that they wouldn’t do themselves, if I wanted time off it was never refused and I was very happy there for five years. Alas work dropped off (contract haulier’s became the in thing) and I was made redundant, I didn’t blame them at all as I could see it coming but nothing is forever. So I would give it a go, but leave on good terms as maybe one day you will need another job and even though you seem a moaning sod they might want you back again! :slight_smile: However if there is more work in a sick note than you are prepared to give them then a small company is definately not for you I’m afraid, you all have to pull together.


Small family firm anytime, you become a driver not a steering wheel attendant, will be asked to do the extra mile more often, but will be appriciated for doing it, and probably have a good laugh as well as you all muck in.

I’d say small firm in most cases you are treated better and appreciated and lots less corporate bs and you know what you are asked to do is nothing the boss wouldn’t do them self. However also means going the extra mile your self no place for a I only start and finish at these times and only do this kind of person.
Only downside in troubled times these company’s iften have to she’d staff before big firms not something I ever worry about myself as I’ve always found work even in quiet times.

I myself would work for a small firm every time,and i often do in my line of work, but from reading your post’s over quite a period of time i dont think its for you!.. you seem to have an outlook and opinions on things that can only be gained by years of working at a large firm
you may well be a v good truck and plant driver but would you be willing to go the extra mile at weekends when most small hauliers can be flat out mending a breakdown or just maintaining a truck or plant to avoid costly downtime during the next weeks work , or even late at night to keep a customer happy?
based on past posts you can’t seem to make your mind up, first you dont want to be phoned or have your progress checked whilst on the road, so you take a job in the quarry only to decide after a short time you realy want to be on the road! now your thinking of changing jobs to go back to driving!
Can you tell your arse from your elbow?

Would you rather work for a small operator with say, 2 or 3 trucks or a large concern?
The reason I ask is because I’ve been offered a job with a local operator with 3 tippers and a couple of JCBs. Nice family firm very well maintained kit and I was asked because they want “someone who doesn’t rush about,” and because I can drive plant if needed.
I’d like to work somewhere with no trackers, common sense over rulebooks etc but surely there’s less job security?
The reason for the vacancy is because the boss is retiring and his son is taking over, who’s just as easy going as his dad.

Personally I’ve found that makes no odds, whatever the size of the firm.