Bidvest Banbury

got 12 pallets to tip there Monday morning, any ideas how long i will be? good/bad place to go?

Have Bidvest got a depot in Daventry??

just google earth’d it and it seems Bidvest were called 3663.

Bibvest are a huge global company. They own 3663, On-Time recovery just to name a few. A bit like GE and Maersk.

washy jnr:
Have Bidvest got a depot in Daventry??

dont know, i meant Banbury!! d’oh!


washy jnr:
Have Bidvest got a depot in Daventry??

dont know, i meant Banbury!! d’oh!

In that case then it’s a slow tip…unless you’ve got your own bay (like KFC have for the chicken deliveries) :wink:

im not sure yet what im taking, was told 12 pallets, very much doubt it will be on a special bay thou. Oh well, better get my kindle charged up!

Bad tip, never been out in under 2 hours and we only ever took a few pallets in there. We stopped going there now thank god.

What you taking there?? Chilled or ambient?? If ambient expect to be there over 3hrs it’s a crap tip,if chilled or frozen its a little better but not by much.

The earlier you get there the better it will be,best of luck and I would charge your kindle as you will definately need it. :wink:

it will be ambient, not sure what till Monday morning.
As my motor does a night trunk to Whitwood and does’nt get back in our yard till 06:45am, i think i will be pushing it to make my booking time, so that will ■■■■ them off even more by the sounds of it!

Ambient was a crap tip when it was 3663 mate! The que could get quite long and slow moving! Always told myself there that I would hate to come here on shifts to get back and home! :laughing: 3 hours wait including tip! Watch out for their so called pro drivers lapping the site! Smashed my mirror and tried to deny it! ■■■■■ :smiling_imp:

They don’t really care about booking times with the ambient stuff so you should be ok,when you drive through the entrance the ambient trucks will be parked on the left of the entrance so you can kinda tell how long of a wait you are likely to get.
But look to your right when entering the place and if they are queuing there for the ambient side then you will be there for most of the day.

Awful ■■■■■■ place!! Well most if not all bidvest places are the ■■■■■■

often the later you get there, the better. I find for ambient after 11:00 seems to get a bit less busy, but still charge your kindle up, and take a spare book!

The depot at Paddock Wood is the worst one Ive been to. Was in there over 8 hours one time. On the flip side, when we go to the depot at Heywood we are in and out in under 30 mins usually.

3663 Banbury is a sh*t hole, stuff lying everywhere usually, massive queues not many bays so usually lots of waiting!

from my experience years ago
booking times meant diddly squat
everyone just turned upwhenever

well i will get there asap and see what happens. Will let you know Monday night (if i make it home as i have got another delivery after that) how it goes.

Pain in the arse when we go there, have taken the stuff back after waiting all morning to get tipped.
Can be a bit tight to get on the bays as well!

The only good 3663/bidvest in the country is the one in newbridge in Scotland never been in there over an hour tipping.

The rest are dog ■■■!!

Never had a problem, but I’ve always gone in when they open at 4