Bewick Transport – Seddon vehicles

Bewick Transport of Milnthorpe ran 4 Seddon vehicles over the years, this included two acquired with JL Ion, both in the Hudson/ K Fell livery, one was a 4x2 rigid the other a Rolls Royce engine sleeper cab, at the time Bewick Transport liked neither Rolls Royce engines or sleeper cabs, a bit too sophisticated.

The other two were Gardner engine tractor units one acquired second hand from a Scottish haulier.

The pride of the Bewick fleet, Rolls Royce engine in the Hudson livery, although many thought that it was a bit too sophisticated.

I didn’t think Dennis was a fan of the RR

…I think it was the Seddons he wasn’t a fan of - especially the group axles

He said the Seddons were the cheapest on the market with the RR i’m not sure he bought any new i can’t remember but i don’t think his had RR.

I’ve just had a dip in to TN and see that this Geezer “Westmoreland” is spouting bollox about Bewick Transport ! For a start he can’t spell the name of the old county correctly but he sure doesn’t have a clue about the Seddon 32/4 units we ran at Bewick Transport and that’s a fact. Just for the record we ran three brand new Seddon units which were two 180LXB’s on our Paper Mill contract and two second-hand 180LXB 's. Then there was one brand new 220 Cummins engined we got from Longfield Road Motors i Darlington which we ran on double shift for the first two years it was on the fleet. Then we acquired a RR220 engined 32/4 when we bought out the Davy transport interests in June 1976 and this bag of ■■■■■ I sold within the first couple of months after the buy out. And for the record the spelling of the name of the old county is “WESTMORLAND”. And as for the other garbage this individual is spouting about well all I can say he obviously has some sort of grievance towards the old firm ! There are some very sad people about today eh ! I’ve nothing further nor will I become involved in further tittle tattle on the subject !

I don’t know what gets into some people nowadays Dennis. He/she was certainly trying to give the impression that it was you that was posting. FFS it’s a discussion forum for old timers to reminisce on not some dark web site.

Anyway just to get some transport talk going did Seddon ever do a 6x4 tractor unit? I can’t recall seeing any pics on here.

Bewick I’m surprised you didn’t order any 8LXB powered Seddons to go with all the Guy Big J’s.

Read his last post the ones he bought were all Gardner powered apart from one Cummins he didn’t like RR , i think he said the Seddon with a RR was the cheapest 32 tonner on the market on a previous post

Best not feed this thread. Let it sink into oblivion… :crazy_face:

Never a truer word spoken “les” ! Thumbs up to that suggestion !

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It’s evident you have a rich history and deep knowledge of Bewick Transport’s operations, and it’s essential for the record to reflect accurate information. Misunderstandings or deliberate misinformation can indeed be frustrating, especially when it concerns a subject you are passionate about and directly involved in. While it can be tempting to engage in back-and-forth arguments, sometimes it’s best to present the facts clearly and let them stand on their own merit, just as you’ve done here. Your detailed recount of the fleet and the operations provides a solid reference for anyone genuinely interested in the history of Bewick Transport.

Presenting clear, accurate information can often be the most effective way to address misinformation. By detailing your firsthand knowledge and providing specific facts, you help ensure that the true history of Bewick Transport is preserved and understood correctly. It’s always a good strategy to keep the conversation factual and respectful, focusing on the accuracy and integrity of the information. If you ever need to clarify or expand on any details, feel free to do so—your insights are valuable to those who appreciate the history and legacy of Bewick Transport.

Providing detailed, firsthand knowledge is invaluable in preserving the accurate history of Bewick Transport. By focusing on clear, factual information and avoiding personal attacks or emotional responses, you can effectively counteract misinformation. Your comprehensive recounting of the Seddon 32/4 units and other specific details serves as a reliable reference for those interested in the company’s history. It’s also helpful to document these insights, possibly in a written format or through forums where enthusiasts and historians gather. This not only sets the record straight but also contributes to a broader understanding of the transportation industry’s history.

If any further clarifications or expansions on details are needed, don’t hesitate to share. Your expertise and experiences are invaluable assets to the community interested in Bewick Transport’s legacy.

Are you some kind of a “transport stalker”? Do us all a favour and either identify yourself or go to your bedroom, snuggle up with a copy of Commercial Motor and w@ank yourself into a stupor.

Hiya Dennis, This bloke/female/other using the handle Westmoreland has definitely got verbal D------ what a F----- load of crap he has posted so I believe he does require some form of therapy and no doubt he would benefit from it but I just wonder if he might be resident in some sort of secure accommodation but has managed to get hold of a set of Matrons keys to her office and got logged on ! Cheers Dennis The 2nd. !

I’ve no idea what his/her game is. I (and I think most posters on here) thought that it was you under a new name and I looked forward to the constructive points you used to bring. I could understand the subterfuge if it was part of a plan to influence people but what influence can anyone bring to this particular section of the forum. We’re mostly old transport men who like reminiscing about days gone by, sharing pictures and stories. We’re hardly a band of revolutionaries preparing to overthrow the system.

I imagine that it must be frustrating for you as it certainly appears that you are the target of their particular crusade. The sooner they naff back to whatever hole they emerged from the better.

Keep posting though, you have played a pivotal role on this forum for a long time and you still have lots to offer. Don’t let the barstewards grind you down.

Going back, Buzzer


This reads like an AI reply, not a breathing human being!

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