Best xmas present ever..i think

Well…Well…what a magnificent surprise i had last night …christmas eve…about 17.20…i was preparing the turkey for the over night cooking session when the phone went…so i picked it up…hello…the voice on the other end said can i speak to Mr r white, also known as truckyboyspeaking i said, well i got some bad news for you, are you sitting downer im not sitting but i can handle it i said..well this is Rikki from Trucknet, and youre going to America
i was speechless and told Rikkii that it was good to talk to him personally, rather than just looking at his name on the site…we had a little chat about the intending trip to the land of the giant trucks, which will take place in march, i obviously thanked him for such a great prize i had won and he politely informed me that i really should thank Truck and Driver…which is what i`m doing…i am sorry for the losers on this occasion, and i cannot wait to go on the longest trip of my life, of course there will be lots of photos taken for the readers of this great site, and i will have to learn how to post them, or i will have to post them for someone else to do , but whatever the outcome there will be some great pictures and stories to share with you all…THANK YOU…from the bottom of my dear old heart…best regards and a very merry xmas and an even better new year to each and every one of you…
truckyboy (bob)

Congrats Trucky,

If only you were comming up this way I would buy you a pint, I would offer accomodation services but I do not attend MATS, so you’d never see it :cry:

Bob, it is great news M8, and must rate as a best christmas present ever!, dont get me wrong I wish it was me, but you have yourself an exellent time over there jockey and for ■■■■■ sake take a good camera, we need to see plenty of pics! :laughing:

Well chuffed for you mate!

Have a great time :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Congratulations Bob,yes ,no doubt we all wish it was us,but somebody’s gotta win and couldn’t be a better bloke,have a great time send us loads of pics and good luck.
regards derek

Congrats! See ya @ MATS, Truckyboy :laughing:

Nice one Trucky. I’ll try and be there. But with work in charge… who can tell.

I owe Rikki a pint or 2, so I’ll try hard to be there.

Well done Bob,good on ya! have a great time,and what a xmas pressie!

For the fifth year running I still didn’t get my page 3 bird or my Batman cape :cry: :cry: :cry:
I’m beginning to think Santa doesn’t exist :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :unamused:


a thousand…million thanks for all your kind words of thanks…it will be great to meet the ex pats out there…and i dont only mean pat hasler…(do you get it) anyway i am so full of it and telling everyone about my fantastic trip…but on another note it makes you think how many friends one can make just on this site alone…although we all meet each other from time to time whilst on the road…we often say goodbye not knowing when we may see each other again, unless its on european work…when there is a great chance to meet each other on the ferry or at the over night truckstops…but this is a truly great site for everything to do with the trucking industry…its funny how we use that word now…instead of lorry it sounds much better when describing your profession, and i have made lots of friends on this site and will remain so…i look forward to truckfest and i will wear my name badge with truckyboy on it so you can recognise me…so theres a good idea for those that come to this great event, and of course i will bring my old trusty steed (emma) no not the missus…my motorhome and can stay for the weekend.depending on circumstances, but i hope to meet a lot of my friends from trucknet…my trip to the states will be a trip of a lifetime for me and there will be lots of stories and pictures, and of course not only from me but the great magazine itself `Truck & Driver…and of course there are others going too who i am sure will contribute some great stories as well…so enough of this praise and thanks and lets get on with the rest of xmas and look forward to the new year…and by the way…as my birthday is in March its a double celebration and birthday gift too…bye all for now and heres wishing everyone a very special new year from me to all the staff of this site and everyone who spends their valuable time in contributing many very interesting facts from the uk…america…canada…and europe…
have a great time
regards truckyboy (bob)