Best way

Best way from Knowsley to team valley north east , about half eight. Is it better to go up the M6 to Carlisle and across or back down east lancs, M62, A1. Thanks

m6, a66,a1 cuts out the roadworks on the m60 + the views nicer too and there wouldnt be much diffrence in milage and it’s about the same time wise of around 3 hours

Just been on Google maps and it’s 177 miles via j44 as opposed to 188 via A66.

timewise it be near the same, the a66 has more dual carriageway than the a69. if you decide too use the a69 then come off at jct 43 turn right at r/a and follow and that takes you onto a69 saves about 5 mins and a couple of miles

The Newcastle has just been cancelled. Last doing Stockton on tees now, thanks for your help.

The Newcastle has just been cancelled. Last doing Stockton on tees now, thanks for your help.

least you know it now over the m62 up the a1 an a19, but still a 3hour drive lol

Done that one before from here. Been here at Knowsley since half 7. Load still not ready, just remember this on Sunday morning when you’re reading your Sunday mirror magazine.[FACE SAVOURING DELICIOUS FOOD]