Best route from Madrid

Am flying into Madrid next month, need to get to a place called Zurgena, which is near Albox. Picking up a car at the airport.

Not sure of the best route ( quickest), should I head down to Jaen - Granada on the E5 and then cut across N-342


Take the A3 - A31 - A30 E15 towards Murcia and then head E 15 ?

Anyone advise ? Im looking for the easiest but quickest route and was wondering which is the better ?

Thanks now

anyon advise,

For me I would be inclined to go down to Granada, pick up the A92N for Almeria / Murcia, then the N340/E15 south west.

Watch your speed though these days, the Government and Guardia Civil are having a big clampdown on speeding, seatbelts etc… in an attempt to cut the high accident and fatality rates over here.

Is that right it`s compulsory for car drivers AND passengers to each have a hi-viz and if its just the one person in the vehicle then the hi-viz has to be placed over the passenger seat? Something to bear in mind if anyone is planning to hire a car for a few days whilst on holiday.

Elf and safety, dont you just loveit…how ever did we manage without it!! :unamused: :laughing:

Cheers Hombre,

wouldnt it be East from Granada coming off by Baza, picking up the A334 ?

Thanks again

Is that right it`s compulsory for car drivers AND passengers to each have a hi-viz and if its just the one person in the vehicle then the hi-viz has to be placed over the passenger seat? Something to bear in mind if anyone is planning to hire a car for a few days whilst on holiday.

Elf and safety, dont you just loveit…how ever did we manage without it!! :unamused: :laughing:

No, yer must be jokin me…

My understanding of the the rules on Hi Viz is simply that only the driver need wear one if you need to stop on the carriageway/hard shoulder. There is NO requirement for them to be on show by hanging over a seat.

I would advise though that you have a Hi Viz for everyone in the car - we do, simply because the roads here are still very fast and the hard shoulders are extremely narrow. in some cases the hard shoulder is not even the width of your car.

Sorry Routier, I missed your question re the route.

As you come into Granada from Jaen on the A44, you will pick up signs for Almeria (in Arabic too if you want!) - just follow them and the road is the A92N.


Is that right it`s compulsory for car drivers AND passengers to each have a hi-viz and if its just the one person in the vehicle then the hi-viz has to be placed over the passenger seat? Something to bear in mind if anyone is planning to hire a car for a few days whilst on holiday.

Elf and safety, dont you just loveit…how ever did we manage without it!! :unamused: :laughing:

No, yer must be jokin me…

After i posted the query it got me kinda wondering so i did some digging around, got this from the AA website…

It is not mandatory to carry a reflectorised jacket in the vehicle and Spanish police cannot fine a foreign motorist who does not carry one however, the wearing of reflectorised jacket / waistcoat compulsory if driver and / or passenger(s) exits vehicle which is immobilised on the carriageway of all motorways and main or busy roads. Be aware that Car Hire Companies are not under legal obligation to supply them to persons hiring vehicles, so often don’t.”

I read that as whilst its not compulsory to carry one , IT IS compulsory for all and any occupants to wear one if they leave the vehicle in the event of a breakdown.

Hope it helps.

What is cheaper 4 vests at say €2-4€ each
or when caught out paying a large fine for
non complience, also as posted the roads
are not great and you need to wear a vest
when you get out of the car due to a incident,

Thanx fellas, well thats a new one for me ref the high viz, but good tip! will pickup a couple.