Best reading material before HGV (LGV) Theory test

Hi All,

I am new to all this (always a good way to start) and wanted to ask your advice. I am planning on doing my Cat C with a good local (recommended) company so that I would be able to drive a horsebox. I have done my medical, got my provisional and am just about to book my theory test. However I was wondering if anyone could recommend some reading material? I have a pdf of the ‘Official DSA Theory test’ but that is just full of the questions and answers. What I’m looking for is some sort of book that will have all the info for me to read which will enable me to answer those questions, rather than learn them parrot style, which doesn’t seem very useful!

Does anyone have any ideas?



Hi All,

I am new to all this (always a good way to start) and wanted to ask your advice. I am planning on doing my Cat C with a good local (recommended) company so that I would be able to drive a horsebox. I have done my medical, got my provisional and am just about to book my theory test. However I was wondering if anyone could recommend some reading material? I have a pdf of the ‘Official DSA Theory test’ but that is just full of the questions and answers. What I’m looking for is some sort of book that will have all the info for me to read which will enable me to answer those questions, rather than learn them parrot style, which doesn’t seem very useful!

Does anyone have any ideas?



Have you checked out the links in the sticky - LGV TRAINING TIPS - link below in my signature

There are also free online LGV theory tests which can be done - google - free lgv theory tests

If the training is for private only LGV driving then you do not need initial driver cpc modules 2 and 4 as they are for commercial LGV driving

If your horsebox is over 7.5 tonnes GVW then you will be under the EU driver regs even if private driving but if not more than 7.5 tonnes and private then you will be EU regs exempt

If you use the horse and hounds site forums then you might recognise my username from there


Hi All,

I am new to all this (always a good way to start) and wanted to ask your advice. I am planning on doing my Cat C with a good local (recommended) company so that I would be able to drive a horsebox. I have done my medical, got my provisional and am just about to book my theory test. However I was wondering if anyone could recommend some reading material? I have a pdf of the ‘Official DSA Theory test’ but that is just full of the questions and answers. What I’m looking for is some sort of book that will have all the info for me to read which will enable me to answer those questions, rather than learn them parrot style, which doesn’t seem very useful!

Does anyone have any ideas?



Have you checked out the links in the sticky - LGV TRAINING TIPS - link below in my signature

There are also free online LGV theory tests which can be done - google - free lgv theory tests

If the training is for private only LGV driving then you do not need initial driver cpc modules 2 and 4 as they are for commercial LGV driving

If your horsebox is over 7.5 tonnes GVW then you will be under the EU driver regs even if private driving but if not more than 7.5 tonnes and private then you will be EU regs exempt

If you use the horse and hounds site forums then you might recognise my username from there


Thanks for coming back to me, will have a look at that link now. All ive been reading so far (and am currently sat in my office reading) is ‘The official DSA Guide to driving goods vehicles’!! Makes an interesting read - just didn’t know if that was the best thing to swot up on!!

My intention is to drive a horsebox over 7.5 (we haven’t bought it yet) or at least not have any restrictions… I’m not doing it as an income, just purely socially. Do you happen to know where I stand with EU law if that is the case?



If driving a private LGV over 7.5 tonnes then you will have to conform to all the EU driver regulations … 013:EN:PDF … 1111_3.pdf
As you can see - there are a lot of rules !!

You may get a few questions on those rules in the LGV theory test but not enough to get you up to speed with them all so a lot of reading and understanding of those rules is vital to keep you out of legal bother

This is why the greater majority of private horsebox drivers use LGVs under 7.5 tonnes GVW

My intention is to [operate and] drive a horsebox over 7.5 (we haven’t bought it yet) or at least not have any restrictions… I’m not doing it as an income, just purely socially. Do you happen to know where I stand with EU law if that is the case?

Hi Alex,

There’s possibly a little bit more to consider once you’re thinking about a vehicle with a permitted GVW of >3.5t.

ROG has answered on the subjects he’s covered, but now I’d suggest that you might need to consider whether you need an Operator’s Licence. (This has no similarity to a driver’s licence, and is a completely separate subject.)

The rules for ‘O’ licences are not the same as the rules for driving licences or the fitment and use of a tachograph, so all I’m suggesting is to please consider everything very carefully before you buy your vehicle.

but now I’d suggest that you might need to consider whether you need an Operator’s Licence.

I’m not doing it as an income, just purely socially.

No O licence required from the info given - if I have read it correctly

Thats all i used highly recommended.

Excellent, much appreciate that - consider it ordered!


Thats all i used highly recommended.

Wow - they really are making it as difficult as possible aren’t they!

Ill have a read through that and I really appreciate your advice, that’s great! My understanding was that you didn’t have to do a cpc or anything else unless you were driving for financial gain - I was hoping to avoid all of that!


If driving a private LGV over 7.5 tonnes then you will have to conform to all the EU driver regulations … 013:EN:PDF … 1111_3.pdf
As you can see - there are a lot of rules !!

You may get a few questions on those rules in the LGV theory test but not enough to get you up to speed with them all so a lot of reading and understanding of those rules is vital to keep you out of legal bother

This is why the greater majority of private horsebox drivers use LGVs under 7.5 tonnes GVW

Hi :smiley:

Oh no - another thing to think about!!

My thinking behind the 7.5 t and the larger vehicles is that the cost of purchase reduces greatly the larger the vehicle! For example we currently have one of these 3.5t Renault Master conversions, that anyone over 17 can drive. Its 10 years old, owes me 7k and is worth 11 - just because its such a desirable vehicle! You get a 7.5t lorry which will carry 3, have a living and all sorts, in excellent nick - for 6/7k because only people with an lgv or granddad rights can drive them. Then you get a mahuusive Lorry, carries 6, with a huge living, toilet, kitchen etc etc, and its no more expensive, because hardly anyone can drive it!!

So my thinking is, the money I save on the vehicle, I get an HGV!!! (that’s if I pass the test!).



My intention is to [operate and] drive a horsebox over 7.5 (we haven’t bought it yet) or at least not have any restrictions… I’m not doing it as an income, just purely socially. Do you happen to know where I stand with EU law if that is the case?

Hi Alex,

There’s possibly a little bit more to consider once you’re thinking about a vehicle with a permitted GVW of >3.5t.

ROG has answered on the subjects he’s covered, but now I’d suggest that you might need to consider whether you need an Operator’s Licence. (This has no similarity to a driver’s licence, and is a completely separate subject.)

The rules for ‘O’ licences are not the same as the rules for driving licences or the fitment and use of a tachograph, so all I’m suggesting is to please consider everything very carefully before you buy your vehicle.

I will try to put your mind at rest

If all you want to do is to get a 7.5 tonner for moving your own horses and that is not part of any business then you will exempt tacho, O licence and driver cpc rules

If you want to do anything more than that then please inform us so we can advise further


Thats all i used highly recommended.

I will second that. Brilliant software, went through all questions and hazard perception clips, and passed 1st time.


Almost - my aim is to get a larger vehicle than a 7.5 tonner… Would that pose a problem? It would be my own horses and not be part of a business…

Where does that leave me?



I will try to put your mind at rest

If all you want to do is to get a 7.5 tonner for moving your own horses and that is not part of any business then you will exempt tacho, O licence and driver cpc rules

If you want to do anything more than that then please inform us so we can advise further


Almost - my aim is to get a larger vehicle than a 7.5 tonner… Would that pose a problem? It would be my own horses and not be part of a business…

Where does that leave me?

Firstly, I am thinking that is rather a large vehicle for most private needs so why does it have to be that big ?

Secondly, having a LGV over 7.5 means the driver will be under all the EU driver regs I listed in the 2 links
The biggest issue will probably be the required daily and weekly rest requirements especially if you are doing a full time job during the week
If you are working mon to fri then you will generally only be able to drive for one day every other weekend due to the weekly rest requirements and your work times for the regular job will need to be officially recorded on the week in which you drive the LGV

No operator licence for private (no business connection/commercial use)

I’m starting to think that! May just be easier to get a 7.5 with no restrictions… Especially as we only have 1 horse and on off occasion just carry 2! he is quite fat though!

Unfortunately I can do some quite long hours in the week as well - althought it is just a boring office job so it isn’t physically tiring - Im sure that makes no difference to the EU though!!

So what I’m hearing is, unless I win the lottery and can do it full time, or quit my job here and do it for a living - get a 7.5 tonne!




Almost - my aim is to get a larger vehicle than a 7.5 tonner… Would that pose a problem? It would be my own horses and not be part of a business…

Where does that leave me?

Firstly, I am thinking that is rather a large vehicle for most private needs so why does it have to be that big ?

Secondly, having a LGV over 7.5 means the driver will be under all the EU driver regs I listed in the 2 links
The biggest issue will probably be the required daily and weekly rest requirements especially if you are doing a full time job during the week
If you are working mon to fri then you will generally only be able to drive for one day every other weekend due to the weekly rest requirements and your work times for the regular job will need to be officially recorded on the week in which you drive the LGV

No operator licence for private (no business connection/commercial use)

Most 7.5 tonners with built in living can easily carry two large horses