Best HGV companies to work for?

Hi guys,
I just wanted to know from all your opinions what truck companies are good to work for reg pay, hours, holiday, pension, and the overall way they treat you. There are so many companies out there, obviously Eddie Stobart is very well known but I’ve herd they do not pay that well? One driver tells me Royal Mail are pretty good, what does everyone else think?

Depends what your priorities are. One man’s ‘best’ is another man’s worst.

If you want money then a company that treats you nice but pays poorly isn’t going to be the best for you. For someone else, however, who is doing it for the fun and pleasure more than the cash, might value a company with nice people being nice to each other.

Do you want to work to the limit and maximise your hours? Does your company do this, because some drivers might hate that.

You see, there is no ‘best’ company for everyone. Each company has good and bad points, judged from different perspectives, so no-one can answer your question except you. Decide what your priorities are, then search out a company with those features and hope the other things you don’t like aren’t too much of an inconvenience.

Great reply there, it is very true everyone has different expectations of what they do and don’t want. Some like lots of hours some like less hours, but it all comes down to pay and if you enjoy your job really. Put it this way if you work for a corporate company you will get abused and get all the ■■■■■■■■ that comes along with it.

Some good replies, cheers guys :slight_smile:

Dhl-good pay,secure job and they’ll always expect you to abide by the rules.

Saw a DHL tanker delivering fuel for a Sainsbury’s yesterday. Is this commonplace?

Saw a DHL tanker delivering fuel for a Sainsbury’s yesterday. Is this commonplace?

DHL do a lot of the supermarket contracts, asda and Morrisons are both done by DHL too

Dhl-good pay,secure job and they’ll always expect you to abide by the rules.

Haha you clearly haven’t heard of my contracts then!! :unamused:

Thanks clarky, was curious as they had all been Sainsbury ones before.

Drop it, Hide it, Lose it!

Every DHL contract is run differently so very difficult to say. I could tell you some stories but I won’t, just in case! The one good thing about DHL is they will expect you to be legal all of the time and the kit shouldn’t be the worst. Wages will vary wildly

Drop it, Hide it, Lose it!

Every DHL contract is run differently so very difficult to say. I could tell you some stories but I won’t, just in case! The one good thing about DHL is they will expect you to be legal all of the time and the kit shouldn’t be the worst. Wages will vary wildly

You know exactly how my contract is run nick, I wont post stories on the public forum as I don’t want to burn bridges ect as DHL is a massive company :unamused: . Boarderline legal mate scraping it and yes the trucks are good and wage is good other then that nothing good to say lol

From a lot of the stuff I see on here, as well as private stuff not posted. I’d say that smaller companies MAY be better to work for, as you’re not necessarily a number! Yes there may be some small cowboy operations that treat you like crap and push you to run bent, but I’m not sure this is the norm…

The smallish firm I work at as an agency limper, I’d say treat me a LOT better than some members on here that work for big firms. The trucks are good, safe and legal, and I’m not asked or pushed to do anything unreasonable. I see the planners face to face most days, and the same goes for the TM. So if I have an issue, I can go straight to the person who makes the decisions, and not waste my time filling in pointless paperwork that never gets looked at or acted upon.

Plus as long as you don’t throw your toys, whinge and whine, and want to get on with the job without fuss, you can actually be appreciated as an asset, and not just an undefined number. However i wouldn’t know this, as I’m just a Bellend! :smiley:

i’m on for DHL. reasonable money,red hot on defects,and no hassle whatsoever as long as you do what’s on your manifest and don’t wreck the motor.

the planners though,are a different story :frowning:

A friend drives class one for Ocado and enjoys it. We both used to do the home delivery in the 3.5T vans for them, I left and he went on to get his C+E which they paid for. He does four day shifts and never has a night out, plenty of o/t available, very clean trucks, good benefits etc and they tend to just go to other Ocado spokes so he’s got to know the drops very well. Some may find that boring though I guess

From a lot of the stuff I see on here, as well as private stuff not posted. I’d say that smaller companies MAY be better to work for, as you’re not necessarily a number! Yes there may be some small cowboy operations that treat you like crap and push you to run bent, but I’m not sure this is the norm…

The smallish firm I work at as an agency limper, I’d say treat me a LOT better than some members on here that work for big firms. The trucks are good, safe and legal, and I’m not asked or pushed to do anything unreasonable. I see the planners face to face most days, and the same goes for the TM. So if I have an issue, I can go straight to the person who makes the decisions, and not waste my time filling in pointless paperwork that never gets looked at or acted upon.

Plus as long as you don’t throw your toys, whinge and whine, and want to get on with the job without fuss, you can actually be appreciated as an asset, and not just an undefined number. However i wouldn’t know this, as I’m just a Bellend! :smiley:

So how come you’re not on their books full-time?


From a lot of the stuff I see on here, as well as private stuff not posted. I’d say that smaller companies MAY be better to work for, as you’re not necessarily a number! Yes there may be some small cowboy operations that treat you like crap and push you to run bent, but I’m not sure this is the norm…

The smallish firm I work at as an agency limper, I’d say treat me a LOT better than some members on here that work for big firms. The trucks are good, safe and legal, and I’m not asked or pushed to do anything unreasonable. I see the planners face to face most days, and the same goes for the TM. So if I have an issue, I can go straight to the person who makes the decisions, and not waste my time filling in pointless paperwork that never gets looked at or acted upon.

Plus as long as you don’t throw your toys, whinge and whine, and want to get on with the job without fuss, you can actually be appreciated as an asset, and not just an undefined number. However i wouldn’t know this, as I’m just a Bellend! :smiley:

So how come you’re not on their books full-time?

Too far away! They have asked me (repeatedly) but I’d lose to much time and money commuting that I can currently claim for. However in my current situation looking to gain experience, they are otherwise perfect for me! The run both classes, and the TM likes me (God knows why…) I was driving an Artic 48 hours after passing my C+E and was scheduled to be driving one this week. But because I’ve screwed my back, i’m off sick. :imp: But I’m booked on again next Monday on class 2 to see how I cope. The agency tell me the TM wants me if possible, and I suspect I’ll be back in an Artic very soon there.


Experience is what I need at the moment pal. :smiley:

Screwed your back in order to develop an awkward limp have we?

Screwed your back in order to develop an awkward limp have we?

Yep, it’s top notch mate! :smiley:
Although I alternate between being shot in the leg and needing the toilet! :laughing:
Initially screwed it a couple of weeks before my training, and had a relapse since… :imp:

Bad back my arse, get back to work you southern softie jessie…i’ll just point out at this point that us tuff truckie types have never thrown a sickie in all our working lives and aint gunna start now… :sunglasses: :grimacing:

Bad back my arse, get back to work you southern softie jessie…i’ll just point out at this point that us tuff truckie types have never thrown a sickie in all our working lives and aint gunna start now… :sunglasses: :grimacing:

No mate, it’s MY arse, I don’t give a rats about yours… And yeah, that’s where the pain is! :smiley: