Best films ever

Planes,Trains and Automobiles,best line"those arent pillows"!!!.And Marakesh Express,enough to put anyone of the Turkish prison system,true story.
John Candy as Griff,the “Shower curtain ring salesman”,Steve Martin,going the wrong way down the freeway. :unamused:

Planes,Trains and Automobiles,best line"those arent pillows"!!!.And Marakesh Express,enough to put anyone of the Turkish prison system,true story.
John Candy as Griff,the “Shower curtain ring salesman”,Steve Martin,going the wrong way down the freeway. :unamused:

If youre into films involving Turkish prisons :confused: , i suggest Midnight Express - bit of an eye opener, based on true story

Kelly’s Heroes, what more could you want in a war film, gold, Clint Eastwood, tanks, Donald Sutherland, germans, Telly Savalas, explosions, some great one liners and a great sound track thanks in part to the Mike Curb Congregation. Classic! :smiley:

Yes,that was the one,midnight express,not marakech,my fault.Too much coffee.!!Prison guard boss gets a coat hook hanger in the back of his skull.

"Breaking down"with Michael Douglas.He goes mental after missing breakfast by 2 minutes.
And that film with Kurt Russel,about a gang that sabotaged his 4x4 in the desert,a trucker kidnaps his wife.It was called “Breakdown”.

A good film 7 Pounds with Will Smith not his usual style a good twist to it

I never get tired of The Matrix .

The Shawshank Redemption got to one of the best prison films

Schindler List.

It’s the only film i’ve been to see where everybody in the cinema stayed sat in their seats until the end credits had finished and the house lights came on. And even then, everybody left in silence.

Gladiator, braveheart, the patriot, the bourne trilogy, star wars… to name a few

Usual Suspects is pretty good :smiley: and what a twist :exclamation: :open_mouth:

if you’re Welsh has to be Zulu, 4000 zulus against just over 100 welsh men and the welsh win :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
my favourite though has got to be the italian job original not crap remake, absolute quality film and good driving action too

Has to be blazing saddles or gregory’s girl :slight_smile:

“Breakdown” with Kurt Russel,US truckers kidnap his wife,after sabotaging their 4x4 in the desert.And “Breaking down” with Michael Douglas,goes on a rampage accross LA,in a real mood. :angry:

"Breaking down"with Michael Douglas.He goes mental after missing breakfast by 2 minutes.
And that film with Kurt Russel,about a gang that sabotaged his 4x4 in the desert,a trucker kidnaps his wife.It was called “Breakdown”.

The Michael Douglas movie is called “Falling Down” not “Breaking Down”.

You need to start drinking a new brand of coffee Toby! :laughing: :laughing:

Anyway…best films ever? My favourites.

Casino (De Niro, Pesci), Goodfellas (De Niro, Pesci), The Shining, Apocalypse Now, Alien, The Outlaw Josey Wales, Copland.

:sunglasses: :sunglasses:

The Shawshank Redemption got to one of the best prison films

I agree!