bentley driver

just thought i would give other hgv drivers a laugh,coming back from visiting my niece on saturday 24 8 13 and came down the M4 towards wiltshire thought i would come off at reading services,now any driver who knows said services will know its basically a single track rd into the services,as i pulled in a guy driving an open top bentley came speeding up behind me and was about 3 ft off the back of my car, as i slowed for the bend he was not happy with that and the prat only tried to overtake me going into the services,he then saw the crash barriers heading towards him,i have never seen someone slap their brakes on so hard to avoid hitting the barriers and taking off,he then pulled back in behind me and followed me into the services before turning into the garage for fuel,i was going to go into the garage and say to him what a nice car,shame its driven by a kxxb,it made my day

As John Lennon once said “Instant karma’s gonna get ya”

Nearly had a head on collision this morning 5 minutes after starting my shift from a knob in an a3 trying to overtake a petrol tanker.


There have been a few roll overs at reading services, both sides.
Of topic but used the bp for fuel at reading, after paying went for a wiz, if you have been in there you will know it is er compact.
As i approached the urinal taking my manhood out, the crapper door opens and out comes a woman, she screamed and made a fast exit. :smiley:

There have been a few roll overs at reading services, both sides.
Of topic but used the bp for fuel at reading, after paying went for a wiz, if you have been in there you will know it is er compact.
As i approached the urinal taking my manhood out, the crapper door opens and out comes a woman, she screamed and made a fast exit. :smiley:

like it,done that myself,i had a jimmy at one of the services and was washing my hands and saw this woman glaring at me,i thought to myself what the hell is she doing in the gents,when i walked out a female cleaner was outside and i told her about it,she asked me what i was doing in the ladies toilets,talk about embarrasing,i went beetroot,and you are right about reading services toilet,very cramped

Nearly had a head on collision this morning 5 minutes after starting my shift from a knob in an a3 trying to overtake a petrol tanker.


one of these days these idiot car drivers will learn,i think it needs us hgv drivers to educate them

As John Lennon once said “Instant karma’s gonna get ya”

so true

A Bentley soft top driver undertook me on a roundabout one day. I gave him the nescafe shuffle and he blocked the road in front of me. This short slimy man of Arabian descent got out and proceeded to tell me how it was a perfectly safe manoeuvre and he was going to stab me with a knife for daring to call him a winker.

It was only safe because I anticipated it and took evasive action, I explained. He was having none of it and tried to block my path back to my car. I carried on walking and told him to grow up.

I have dreamed of the day I see him again and my sister is there walking her dogs. I can then drop the dogs ■■■ bags on his seat. I have noticed that the more expensive the car, the more the driver will be a complete berk. Private reg plates also denote someone who has recently had a complete charisma bypass operation.

A Bentley soft top driver undertook me on a roundabout one day. I gave him the nescafe shuffle and he blocked the road in front of me. This short slimy man of Arabian descent got out and proceeded to tell me how it was a perfectly safe manoeuvre and he was going to stab me with a knife for daring to call him a winker.

It was only safe because I anticipated it and took evasive action, I explained. He was having none of it and tried to block my path back to my car. I carried on walking and told him to grow up.

I have dreamed of the day I see him again and my sister is there walking her dogs. I can then drop the dogs ■■■ bags on his seat. I have noticed that the more expensive the car, the more the driver will be a complete berk. Private reg plates also denote someone who has recently had a complete charisma bypass operation.

if he tried to block my path he would not have been a happy chappy after a trip to the dentist

A Bentley soft top driver undertook me on a roundabout one day. I gave him the nescafe shuffle…
