
So the government has announced a clampdown on health tourists, but sadly, only those from outside of the EU, unless they have a contactable disease, such as aids, or TB, then they will be allowed to claim free care. So Aids, which is the next biggest thing to treat, outside of Cancer, to which our own people cannot get treatment for, to extend their miserable lives, but foreigners can.
Then we have the rest of Europe, who can come here, and get free treatment, although we cannot get free treatment in their countries, we have to pay. there should be reciprocal agreements across the EU, especially where the brits are concerned, they get ours for free, we get theirs, simples
So lets get down to the benefit culture, and i use Poland as an example, Why should they get every benefit available, just because they go to work, they could get a years NHS, for working for 3 months. Then there is Child benefit, whereby, once registered, it is paid into the bank account, and if or when they go home, they continue to claim, just by going to their cashpoint, and withdrawing the money, which is far more generous in the UK, than it is in Poland, and no one checks whether they are still here or not, and continue to pay for that child/children until the child is 16, and no one will write until that age, only to ask if the child is staying on at school or not, in which case the payment stops ( cos they cannot answer the letter ) some may argue that because they are working, and paying, they should be able to claim, i disagree, there should be a cap, or a minimum amount paid into the NHS, before any payment is allowed, unless, born and bred in this country.
What do you guys and gals think ?.

What’s this got to do with trucking ? Write a letter or go see your mp

What’s this got to do with trucking ? Write a letter or go see your mp

Agree… Just to add my bit though i think it should be privatised anyway…

Have you not heard of the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) - E111 in old money :unamused:

Pretty sure the ehic only covers emergency treatment, not anything else. There was a feature on he radio recently that several countries still make you pay up before they treat you though!

I think you will find if any e.u citizens are treated in this country, the nsh claim the cost back directly from that persons home state. But they cannot claim it back from a non e.u state. Was watching a programe the other day, something like “24 hrs in the nhs” and it showed a guy in one hospital who’s job was to check all the foreign patients to see if they had to pay or not ie if he had to bill them or claim it back through the e.u . So it gets covered and not out of our money if you know what I mean :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Whirlwind.What is your problem.Bullys Bar forum is not a trucking forum.It is a place to discuss anything but trucking.

Pretty sure the ehic only covers emergency treatment, not anything else.

I thought it entitled you to the same treatment that a citizen of the country you’re in would get which I realise may not always be the best but may be more than emergency.

Whirlwind.What is your problem.Bullys Bar forum is not a trucking forum.It is a place to discuss anything but trucking.

This might be in bully’s bar now , but it wasn’t originally

Apoligies to Whirlwind.The post have got moved over.My fault.