Can’t you overnight on it , saw some parking near the McDonald’s with what looked like no parking restriction , nr merc garage / tool station as well , be handy for future ref , ta
I don’t know.
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It’s Friday did you not know
Hang on, I’ll ask the wife.
If you park and get ticketed then it will be a no no for future reference
Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
No idea of the parking there Dozy me old mate, but I do know that it’s a bit of a lottery asking about parking for the same night when one is on premod. By the time your post appears you may even have a different job.
the maoster:
No idea of the parking there Dozy me old mate, but I do know that it’s a bit of a lottery asking about parking for the same night when one is on premod. By the time your post appears you may even have a different job.
Or banged up [emoji3]
Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
,must be two Dozy`s on here, this one is not whinging about working after lunch time on a Friday,or about forkies being lazy because he is in a rush and wants to get finished
Hang on, I’ll ask the wife.
No, sorry, she doesn’t know either.