Belgian Road charges

I have read in a local newspaper in Belgium that a charge is going to be introduced for vehicles entering Belgium from 2008. It states €60 Euro for cars, I dont know what it is for trucks ? anybody heard this ? Obvioiusly getting rid of the present Road Tax, no doubt Holland will follow which means every immediate country within Europe except UK and Ireland , you will be charged quite heavily to use their roads.


you will find that this is only for cars and not commerical trucks
this was talked about before because the wallon (?) gov is skint
and needs the cash, more than the other two parts of Belgium.

one of the proposals from the eu is for a mechanised road tolling system throughout the EU.
i think 2012 is the date outlined for european wide road user charging, personally i think they are being a little optimistic given that many eu countries already operate road user charging using toll booths which also allows for the employment of people to operate the toll booths.
should a mechanised system be introduced this would do away with manned toll booths and we all know what happens when the french are threatened with job losses.
then there is us in the uk who’s citizens are anti road user charging in the majority no matter what form it will take and who says we have to have it and whatever the reasons are.
it’s reckoned that the german maut system will be the basis for the system when and if it ever gets to an EU wide implementation.
urinating into the wind rings a bell here but i’m for it.

As brit pete say’s,it’s only for cars,the Eurovignette will remain in place for trucks.

The Belgians are proposing to charge €60 a year to use Belgian roads,not sure if you will have to buy 12 months at a time or weekly,it will certainly hit Dutch & German motorists who hop over the border to buy cheaper fuel as well as other goods.