Being photographed

+1 erfguy.
I’m quite shocked at the laid back attitude of so called professional drivers these days and how easily they caught on camera doing the same stuff everybody else does when no ones watching.
Nothing quite sets my attention / hazard awareness abilities at maximum than a cup of java in my left hand a ■■■ in my right and steering with my ■■■■ (sitting very close to the wheel of course).

[just getting a list going feel free to add to it]

  1. reading a map
  2. reading a sat nav
    3.reading his notes
  3. eating,
  4. Texting
  5. Drink Tea
  6. Pour Tea / Hot beverage
  7. Quick J Arthur
  8. Daydream
  9. Sleep
  10. Brush Teeth
  11. Smoke / Vape
  12. Tune in Radio
  13. Scratch Balls / adjust ■■■■■ (not to be confused with 9 as this is more for comfort than pleasure, but can lead to 9)

16,ogle fit birds, ■■■■ etc in overtaking cars

ADR 1:

[just getting a list going feel free to add to it]

  1. reading a map
  2. reading a sat nav
    3.reading his notes
  3. eating,
  4. Texting
  5. Drink Tea
  6. Pour Tea / Hot beverage
  7. Quick J Arthur
  8. Daydream
  9. Sleep
  10. Brush Teeth
  11. Smoke / Vape
  12. Tune in Radio
  13. Scratch Balls / adjust ■■■■■ (not to be confused with 9 as this is more for comfort than pleasure, but can lead to 9)

16,ogle fit birds, ■■■■ etc in overtaking cars

And watching tv

  1. hanging out UR window giving some stupid ash-le abuse for cutting in front of u then slamming the brakes on