i have been on holiday this week to use up the days that i have left before i lose them and to spend some time with the wife and girl whilst she’s on easter holidays.well i was out on thursday of last week doing a bit of shopping etc and i was coming up the bogs bray from east kilbride going towards bellshill.i decided to take the 1st turn off for bellshill to avoid the heavy traffic.as i came round the corner i noticed an artic with 4 ways on and the driver was out of his cab asking directions to some place.so me being me i thought i’ll pull over and see if i can help even though he was already talking to an older woman,no offence but the average old woman in the local town don’t think about bridges etc.so off i goes ( wife still in car ) and asks the driver where he wanted to go.i knew that there was a bridge ahead sitting at 14’9’‘.the 1st thing i ask’s was what height are you running at
and he said i don’t know.so off i goes and checks the bulkhead for height,14’ was his height,so no probs plenty of room.finds out that he was going to maxi haulage at bellshill ind est,5mins away.so gave the man directions pretty straight forward and off he goes with a thankyou and a smile.and today i was in motherwell and it was crazy hour,pay day for some and early finish for others,so traffic was a nightmare.in the car with me was my wife and my wee girl, and i was coming around the 1 way system which takes you round behind asda,woolworths loading bay area.as i gets up ahead the traffic heading towards hamilton and traffic going around towards the railway station (the other way) was pretty bad. there was a woolworth’s artic wanting to come out.now its one of them roads where you need to use your height and weight to get out at the best of times
as there are a few ignorant car drivers in and around the motherwell area,( especially on fridays)
so i see a chance to let this guy out as i approached the pedestrian crossing ahead.so i gave the driver the wave to come out and he greatfully accepted and gave the traditional wave and flash of the 4 ways and off he goes.then my little girl says dad why did you let that truck driver out
and before i could say anything the wife says it’s because your dad is a truck driver and he will always let them out as no one else will.it’s nice to be nice love i said to her.i just wish there was more people that would be nice to truck drivers.or am i living in the dream world
and before i could say anything the wife says it’s because your dad is a truck driver and he will always let them out as no one else will.it’s nice to be nice love i said to her.i just wish there was more people that would be nice to truck drivers.or am i living in the dream world![]()
As I will also do as well. I will also let cars out a busy junctions as well.
im right with you mate. i do the same thing. i stop to give directions and i let them out of side roads or help back them out onto the road etc. like i always say, we have to look out for each other
by the way, my missus said to ask how clarkston is tonight?
Always let them out & if in the car I always hold back where the roads are reduced one truck or two cars width as it also helps the traffic to keep flowing.
I do pretty much the same for buses as well, but I also hold a PSV.
M1 northbound on wednesday afternoon there was an accident just before the
junction with the M18. Stuck in a long queue as two lanes were blocked.
I’m in middle lane and as we near the accident cars started to merge from the outside lane, many being kept out by cars in the center lane.
Being nice I held back and allowed several to merge before indicating and trying to merge into the left hand lane.
Now I had problems. Truck (yes truck) behind me in left hand lane accelerated up alongside me to prevent me merging
No problem though because one of the cars I’d allowed to merge into middle lane(a beat up old merc) opened his sun roof and waved through it to me to get in front of him
Hope it ■■■■■■ of the driver of the dirty yellow truck
Maybe thats another car driver Ive converted to giving way to us. Or maybe it was Kitty on a day out
its nice to be nice
Maybe thats another car driver Ive converted to giving way to us. Or maybe it was Kitty on a day out
if i’m down that far i’m lost m8
probably an ex sol driver
The bit that intrigues me is,
then my little girl says dad why did you let that truck driver outand before i could say anything the wife says it’s because your dad is a truck driver and he will always let them out as no one else will.
Is it a reflection on the manner of your wifes’ driving when you’re not about, or was she responding to the attitude of her friends and their parents, and their behaviour toward professional drivers generally, or is it that our chaotic and overly-congested road system, along with our ‘busy’ lifestyles, are creating upcoming generations for whom patience, courtesy, and good manners mean little? Hence the growth of aggressive and needless excessively violent behaviour, as recently witnessed, once again, on the Football field.
Children are intrigued by motor vehicle and from a very early age learn from observing the driving style of their parents. Previous research has shown this to be particularly so in the case of males, but as a growing proportion of the female population become motorists, then I’m sure that young girls will emulate the motoring attitudes of their mothers.
Is it a reflection on the manner of your wifes’ driving when you’re not about
simple answer wife doesn’t drive
or was she responding to the attitude of her friends and their parents, and their behaviour toward professional drivers generally
i always know who my kids are going with in another car,and if i know what they are like in a car,they don’t go
or is it that our chaotic and overly-congested road system, along with our ‘busy’ lifestyles, are creating upcoming generations for whom patience, courtesy, and good manners mean little?
yes the traffic on the roads is a major factor,but is that any reason to drive badly
as for the manners,patience,and good manners,well you don’t need to go on the roads to see that some parents and their kids have any of them
do we
Children are intrigued by motor vehicle and from a very early age learn from observing the driving style of their parents
yes they are indeed intrigued by motor vehicles, especially the teenagers with all this body kit,nosh etc.christ as long as mines get’s me from a-b and back thats me happy.but i suppose it’s down to you and i as parents to hopefully bring them up the correct way and to hope that they will listen to us rather than listen to their friends.
then I’m sure that young girls will emulate the motoring attitudes of their mothers.
does this mean you want more woman on the roads
( tin hat is on ) yes you are probably correct,as boys will follow dad,and hopefully this dad has shown his son how to respect other road users,especially when the other road user is bigger than him.
Full marks to the guy in the Merc on the M1. You’d extended a courtesy to him David, of which he was obviously well aware. He then was observant of your predicament in his mirrors. Then thought to open the sunroof & signal to you that way as he realised, from where you were sat, you would clearly see his signal from there.
Just shows you, it doesn’t matter “what” you drive, its “how” you drive!
does this mean you want more woman on the roads![]()
( tin hat is on ) yes you are probably correct,as boys will follow dad,and hopefully this dad has shown his son how to respect other road users,especially when the other road user is bigger than him.
dont scare me like that. we dont need more PMT driven crazy women shouting at us coz they are rushing home to see nieghbours
im always nice to other other trucks.
especially the ones that cut you up, or pull out on you at roundabouts
does this mean you want more woman on the roads![]()
( tin hat is on ) yes you are probably correct,as boys will follow dad,and hopefully this dad has shown his son how to respect other road users,especially when the other road user is bigger than him.
dont scare me like that. we dont need more PMT driven crazy women shouting at us coz they are rushing home to see nieghbours
if the roads are wet i seem to suffer from pmt.
pre mercedes tension, ■■■■ trucks slide all over the place
I always let peeps out… Specially as getting out of my road in the car is a mare, so once i DO get out, I make a point of letting the next couple of cars out too… It doesn’t make you any later if you’re already stuck in traffic…
LEARN FROM MY MOM… Are you kidding…
Don’t make me laugh… She’s one of the worst I know… She’s not an auto now, cuz it’s easier… (point and go… ) and it’s made her worse still… !!!
I have always payed great attention to my Dad’s driving style… Enuf so I could drive a car by myself by 8ys old…
Its funny that women drivers have been mentioned…i remember as a kid my dad always seemed to help the boys in the family with manly things…whereas the girls stayed by mum to learn the girly things…good really …otherwise i wouldnt have any ironed shirts and the washing up would have filled the house…not to worry though…but as i got older…and got married and had children of my own…even though they were all girls…my wife often wondered why i never took them with me when tinkering with the car…she often said they could learn a great deal…but i never believed her…and let her train them in the great art of being a housewife…i mean after all …if we all trained them to do manly things…who would look after us mortals…someone has to be trained in …fetching beer from fridge to armchair…doing the shopping…ironing…housework…taking the kids to school…and attending school plays etc…i mean …we`re too busy to do all that by ourselves…and not forgetting the gardening…i do admire their handywork though…hang on…just putting on me tin hat…
bob are you standing in the elections? i`ll vote for ya!
you might need to go back to america now though…
just one thing about letting other drivers out especially bus drivers.most of the buses if not all there is a sticker it says please let me pull out highway code no69.now i will let buses out but one thing it has forgotten to add to that sticker is if safe to do so.
I agree with Krankee’s earlier statement about modern generations and aggressive attitude, its just endemic in modern society. I am very much of the old school where manners maketh man, its costs nothing to be civil or courteous.
I will always let another truck out, whether in truck or car myself and I will also always do what I can to assist any driver, ie: directions, etc.
One of my pet hates is the morons who run up the reducing lane into a roadworks section just to get in front, I will invariably straddle lanes in slow moving traffic to prevent this, very effective road block, a truck!
I try to be nice to everyone on the roads, but, anyone who is driving aggressively or expecting me to move for him or let him in or out will stay put
I also hate these doddering do gooders who will stop suddenly with no warning to wave a car out of a driveway, or even stop on the motorway to let someone join (honestly)
i always give way to trucks, as it cost nothin to be poilte quite often slowing down to let them out, as it is much easier for me to slow down then accererate than it is for a truck
but i do watch the road as well and sometimes anticipate that a truck will want to be out sometimes flash before they have even indicated, what i dont like is when they dont say thank you