Being ill whilst tramping

Just wondering what everybody else does when their ill and away for the week?

I was Fine yesterday but woke up this morning in disarray. Pulled over 4 times to be sick, can hardly breathe and generally just feel like ■■■■■■

I’ve had the odd cold whilst out and cracked on but I feel like death at the moment.

I’m expecting a few posts with the words man up but wouldn’t mind a sensible answer in at least one post. :smiley:

I was ill once whilst parked up in Bath. After having the trots for the umteenth time I got a taxi to the hospital thinging they gave me diacalms or something like that. Ended up being admitted and spent 3 days on a drip with campilobactor poisoning.

I was ill once whilst parked up in Bath. After having the trots for the umteenth time I got a taxi to the hospital thinging they gave me diacalms or something like that. Ended up being admitted and spent 3 days on a drip with campilobactor poisoning.

Well you will eat your wife’s cooking, what do you expect[emoji14]

deal or no deal time…if your dying,itl depend how well you get on with your company…tell your office that your bolloxed and either bounce home and hit your bed…tell them your dying and parkup somewhere handy till it hopefully passes after 24 hours in your bed.or head for a hospital. I spent 3 days in a laybye ■■■■■■■■ and spewing rings round myself at stone a while ago till I could sit up again,just took the next load to the boat,dropped the trailer in Belfast,and bounced home to die for another few days… soldiering n isn’t an option if its that bad. if your just a bum in a seat to them,then drop the trailer,bounce home,( with or without a card in as personally I wouldn’t care) and get ajob elsewhere once your better.not a nice situation to be in,but id rather be dying in my own bed .

forget if you have an accident driving an HGV wile knowingly being unfit the law will come down like ton of bricks

Get hold of your firm and tell them you are ill. If they think anything of the welfare of their drivers they will send someone out to pick up the lorry, and take you to A&E.


I was ill once whilst parked up in Bath. After having the trots for the umteenth time I got a taxi to the hospital thinging they gave me diacalms or something like that. Ended up being admitted and spent 3 days on a drip with campilobactor poisoning.

Well you will eat your wife’s cooking, what do you expect[emoji14]

Or ate at Membry services :laughing:

Tell your Company your situation,go to A&E get checked out see what they say,worse comes to worse they will keep you in ,if not turn the motor round head home.Have an accident whilst your ill the Authorities will throw the book at you.

Had exactly this same yesterday phoned up office told them I’m dying then parked up at 15.00 o’clock and went to bed. I get back to yard this morning and went home

Just wondering what everybody else does when their ill and away for the week?

I was Fine yesterday but woke up this morning in disarray. Pulled over 4 times to be sick, can hardly breathe and generally just feel like [zb].

I’ve had the odd cold whilst out and cracked on but I feel like death at the moment.

I’m expecting a few posts with the words man up but wouldn’t mind a sensible answer in at least one post. :smiley:

Get to a doctor NOW.
No being a doom monger but I was like that when my heart problem started and it nearly killed me. It may just be a 24 hr bug but get looked at asap, surely any respectable transport company would sort out their workers health problems , after all you are how they make money and looking after staff is number one priority…If not find a new job when you are better.

3 wheeler:

Just wondering what everybody else does when their ill and away for the week?

I was Fine yesterday but woke up this morning in disarray. Pulled over 4 times to be sick, can hardly breathe and generally just feel like [zb].

I’ve had the odd cold whilst out and cracked on but I feel like death at the moment.

I’m expecting a few posts with the words man up but wouldn’t mind a sensible answer in at least one post. :smiley:

Get to a doctor NOW.
No being a doom monger but I was like that when my heart problem started and it nearly killed me. It may just be a 24 hr bug but get looked at asap, surely any respectable transport company would sort out their workers health problems , after all you are how they make money and looking after staff is number one priority…If not find a new job when you are better.

Massive +1
Sudden illness like your symptons can be anything from a 24hr bug to death knockin on your door.
Get to the doctors sharpish even if you suddenly feel better and think you wont bother.

Course if your doctor says its just a bug make sure to let us know so we can call you a big ■■■■■. :wink:

Years ago whilst on Imperial tankers I took ill just North of Pitlochry whilst on my way to Inverness. I phoned my T.O. And explained that I was too ill to drive, they asked if I required medical assistance but I said “nah, it’ll just be a bug, I’ll go to bed until I’m better”. I spent two days in bed feeling like death before carrying on. With hindsight parking up in the middle of nowhere with a mystery illness probably wasn’t my smartest move, but everything worked out OK in the end.

I was ill once whilst parked up in Bath. After having the trots for the umteenth time I got a taxi to the hospital thinging they gave me diacalms or something like that. Ended up being admitted and spent 3 days on a drip with campilobactor poisoning.

Wasn’t KFC was it?

It was for me…

blue estate:
forget if you have an accident driving an HGV wile knowingly being unfit the law will come down like ton of bricks

Why should tramping make it any difference to being ill,if your sick your sick end of.

Just wondering what everybody else does when their ill and away for the week?

I was Fine yesterday but woke up this morning in disarray. Pulled over 4 times to be sick, can hardly breathe and generally just feel like [zb].

I’ve had the odd cold whilst out and cracked on but I feel like death at the moment.

I’m expecting a few posts with the words man up but wouldn’t mind a sensible answer in at least one post. :smiley:

Got last Week on Monday sent Home as i looked not Fit. Had no Temperature but like Flu and every Bite straight to Toilet. They seems very Social to me.

You expected a few ‘flies in the ointment’ so here’s the first … if you can breath and see then crack on, I did in 2002 but felt crap and with no concern of what was going on around me (London !!) couldn’t be arsed bothering with the traffic around me and felt totally out of it. Got the truck back to depot and went home leaving all my gear in it and not even parking it properly. Went to the doctors the next day but never went for the consultation I should have gone to immediately. Three days later diagnosed as a TIA, Transient ischemic attack or mini stroke !! No ■■■■■ imo !!

I once had a boss tell me to drive home on hard shoulder with hazards on .


Running back from Dundee to Hastings many years ago, felt like ■■■■ all the way back, gradually got worse and just thought I’d picked up a bug. Got through Dartford tunnel and was really struggling, had chest pains as well. Drove to Tunbridge Wells hospital and they rushed me straight in, doc said it was pleurisy and kept me in for 4 days.

Running back from Dundee to Hastings many years ago, felt like [zb] all the way back, gradually got worse and just thought I’d picked up a bug. Got through Dartford tunnel and was really struggling, had chest pains as well. Drove to Tunbridge Wells hospital and they rushed me straight in, doc said it was pleurisy and kept me in for 4 days.

Ahh,… Been Lucky then

Only just seen thread if still bad where are you maybe a driver is near you to help out.