Does anyone have photos of trucks running thru towns from yesteryear. I remember as a 5year old watching the wagons of the 70’s rolling thru Swaffham, Norfolk on the A47 before the town was bypassed. In addition, photos of bypasses in build maybe interesting. I only wish I had photos myself.
Somewhere on Youtube there are a couple of videos of traffic going through Gloucester before the ring road. In hindsight it used to take a good half hour to traverse most towns of any decent size back then. And if you were unlucky enough to have to get across somewhere like London, Birmingham or Bristol during the rush hour…
Having said that, Exeter had a by-pass fairly early but it didn’t do much for the traffic jams, particularly in summer!
Blimey!!! You can see why they needed a bypass
Have a look on Pathe News, there are dozens of transport videos, some silent and some with sound. It is an interesting site with a decent search facility.
Not so much running through,but my Dad delivering concrete sections for the A1m Doncaster bypass around 1960
The Euston Road in my formative years (Silent)
Austin Lorries from forging a crankshaft to parking the finished product in the yard
The start of the Norwich by-pass construction at Thorpe in the late 80s, one of Bartrums waiting at the lights. I’m pretty sure it opened in 1992 and is one of the best time savers in the country. Cheers Haddy, Gt. Yarmouth.
Think I’ve got this right ! Click on this or type in Gloucester road scene on you tube !
Hethersett ( A11 ) by-pass under construction in the late 80s. Three of us were detailed to move the concrete train from the north end of the site to the south as one side was completed. We were 40 feet wide but it didn’t matter as the road wasn’t open to the public,still a bit hair raising though. Sorry about the poor quality photo but it was ■■■■■■■ downwith rain all that day, I remember it like yesterday. Cheers Haddy.
Hethersett ( A11 ) by-pass under construction in the late 80s. Three of us were detailed to move the concrete train from the north end of the site to the south as one side was completed. We were 40 feet wide but it didn’t matter as the road wasn’t open to the public,still a bit hair raising though. Sorry about the poor quality photo but it was ■■■■■■■ downwith rain all that day, I remember it like yesterday. Cheers Haddy.
looks like a few flaps and youll take off! great stuff haddy
Ah that’s just the thing. Nice one Haddy. You probably wouldn’t believe this, but the southern bypass was before my time. I don’t remember it being built. Having said that, I remember going to Norwich from Swaffham and travelling thru Easton.
HI all ,
not pictures ,but film footage from british pathe ,this is film footage of the old A2 Rochester way eltham south east london, before they built the new A2 rochester way relief road ,shows a good few old motors lol … /A2+LONDON
Here’s a good one plenty of Atki’s and ERF’s passing through.
At 1 minute in watch out for the Cadwallader Atki
Blackpool Road in Preston before they built the M55
The junction on the left was known as Pretty Polly corner (don’t know) years ago.
MR VAIN I maybe passed you in Swaffham I was down twice in the early 70s to BROCKS FIREWORKS which was just through Swaffham. Brocks main plant was here in Sanquhar.
The start of the Norwich by-pass construction at Thorpe in the late 80s, one of Bartrums waiting at the lights. I’m pretty sure it opened in 1992 and is one of the best time savers in the country. Cheers Haddy, Gt. Yarmouth.
Nice photo mate. You’re right about the time saving, but I felt that once it was open they altered all the traffic light settings, I seem to remember being able go from Thorpe past Jupiter road, and if you hit the first lights on green you’d roll through each set right through to the Dereham road, but as soon as the bypass was open every set seemed to be on red
Ah that’s just the thing. Nice one Haddy. You probably wouldn’t believe this, but the southern bypass was before my time. I don’t remember it being built. Having said that, I remember going to Norwich from Swaffham and travelling thru Easton.
You must remember it being built, or you’ve had a hard life