I have just been on the usa site and was reading a thread about having beer in your cab for personal consumpton.I sometimes have a couple of cans in my cool box for when im parked up at night but all the americans said they never do this and some even said it was illegal?
Does anybody else keep cans in there cab or is it illegal?

Im not saying i get drunk everynight and i know i am still in charge of my vehicle when parked up for the night and i could still get done for drink driving
but its nice to have a beer everynow and again.

Don’t worry, it’s perfectly legal to carry a couple of cans for your time off over here…you don’t think Rikki would still be in the industry if it wasn’t do you■■? :open_mouth: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I got stopped by the Minstry in Scotland enroute Aberdeen and one of them climbed aboard on the passenger side and spied my 4-pack of Fosters sitting on the engine hump.

Looking at them he said, “having a bit of a sesh tonight are you!?”, laughing.

We had a bit of laugh about it and he was cool but then he flipped into Plod zebidee mode and pointed out to me that my tacho clock was 3hrs slow :open_mouth: and started getting an arse on about it. I hadn’t even realised as it wasn’t a hire motor and the first time I’d had it.

Getting back to the topic, if it was illegal I think he would have said something to that effect.

Nothing beats a cold beer at the end of a long hot day and I can’t see a problem with having one at the end of the day. I think on average it takes 1 unit of alcohol 2 hours to clear the system. A pint is about 2 units so that 4 hours, so a pint or 2 depending how long you break is shouldn’t affect your driving next morning.
Isn’t it an offence to have open cans in a vehicle in the States even if the driver isn’t drinking them?

I have just been on the usa site and was reading a thread about having beer in your cab for personal consumpton.I sometimes have a couple of cans in my cool box for when im parked up at night but all the americans said they never do this and some even said it was illegal?
Does anybody else keep cans in there cab or is it illegal?

Im not saying i get drunk everynight and i know i am still in charge of my vehicle when parked up for the night and i could still get done for drink driving
but its nice to have a beer everynow and again.

As far as I see it as long as you have pulled your tacho for that shift and the keys aint in the ignition I can’t see what they could do? maybe I’m wrong. In the USA you are not allowed to have an open container ie beer can in a vehicle.


■■■■… thought it was a free offer :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

If you had a open Can of Carling in your cab when you get pulled up here in old bilghty, somehow I dont think Plod would be too happy either! :open_mouth:

i have a wagon full of the stuff, trouble is i have to deliver it.

would it fit down my street peter :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Rob K:
Plod zebidee mode and pointed out to me that my tacho clock was 3hrs slow :open_mouth:

Sorry but it’s illegal to have your clock 3 hrs slow, how do we not know you were tampering with the clock in a deliberate attempt to take a 6hr over night rest :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Throw the book at you, thats what I say, now 15 minutes is one thing but 3 Hrs :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: Com on Rob even Casual Placid was hung drawn and Quartered for admitting he broke the Law :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Only joking mate, I never fail when the clocks go back or forwards :wink: :wink:

Davey - are you in the back of that trailer full of beer ■■

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

pmsl davey… you didnt leave a big enough pause though :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

In the USA its illegal to have an open container of alcohol in a passenger vehicle… its illegal to have ANY alcohol (open or sealed ) in any commercial vehicle… trucks, busses, delivery vans… anything like that. An open container also means a bottle of spirits with the seal broken. So if your going to a friends house and ya want to take your half full bottle of vodka along, it has to go in the trunk… otherwise its illegal.

Yes, but in America they do have some strange laws :stuck_out_tongue:

Have a look at Wierd US Law in Bullys Bar

In Alaska

In Fairbanks, it is illegal to feed alcoholic beverages to a moose. While it is legal to shoot bears, waking sleeping bears for the purpose of taking a photograph is prohibited. A law in Fairbanks, does not allow moose to have ■■■ on city streets. :laughing: :laughing:

Wheel Nut:
Yes, but in America they do have some strange laws :stuck_out_tongue:

Have a look at Wierd US Law in Bullys Bar

In Alaska

In Fairbanks, it is illegal to feed alcoholic beverages to a moose. While it is legal to shoot bears, waking sleeping bears for the purpose of taking a photograph is prohibited. A law in Fairbanks, does not allow moose to have ■■■ on city streets. :laughing: :laughing:

Yep but is illegal to scrub your door step on a Sunday in Yorkshire(As well as the rest of the UK!) :open_mouth: :smiley:
So I think we also have some laws were not proud about!! :wink:

WAY off the topic, I know… BUT I couldn’t resist… strange laws exist everywhere!! :laughing: :wink:

Strange Laws of the UK

All English Men over 14 are meant to carry out 2 hours (or so) of longbow practice a week supervised by the local clergy.
London Hackney Carriages (taxis/cabs) must carry a bale of hay and a sack of oats.
It is illegal to be drunk on Licensed Premises.
It is illegal for two adult men to have ■■■ in the same house as a third person.
Chelsea Pensioners may not be impersonated.
A bed may not be hung out of a window.
It is illegal for a lady to eat chocolates on a public conveyance.
Throughout the whole of England it is illegal to eat mince pies on the 25th of December.
Any boy under the age of 10 may not see a naked manequin.
It is illegal to leave baggage unattended, and picking up abandoned baggage is an act of terrorism.
Those wishing to use a television must apply for a license.
It is illegal for a Member of Parliament to enter the House of Commons wearing a full suit of armour.
It is legal for a male to urinate in public, as long it is on the rear wheel of his motor vehicle and his right hand is on the vehicle.
Committing suicide is classified as a capital crime. (Repealed)

And specific areas of the country…

You can only shoot a Welsh person with a bow and arrow inside the city walls and after midnight.

You can shoot a Welsh person all day, but only on Sunday, with a Longbow, in the Cathedral Close.

You are considered a freeman if you can drive your geese down Cheapside and to be hanged with silk rope (as opposed to plain old hemp).
Companies may vote in local elections.

Upon sight of a Scotsman, it is still legal to shoot him with a bow and arrow, except on Sundays.

You may not fish on Sundays.
It is illegal to be a drunk in possession of a cow.
Trespassing on someone else’s land is legal.
You are presumed guilty until proven innocent for some crimes.
If someone knocks on your door and requires the use of your commode, you must let them enter.

Kate all these laws seem totally reasonable to me, but not allowing the carriage of alcohol in a vehicle is archaic :laughing:

shooting welsh and scots :open_mouth: :open_mouth: blimey charlie! (where do i join up :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: ) (ITS A JOKE FFS) :wink:

:smiley: I just knew she would do that :laughing: :laughing:

Wel done Kate :stuck_out_tongue:

How the zb do they deliver the stuff?.