Bedworth Haulage

Hiya chaps, anyone on for these guys atm? Seem to have some decent kit, I’m thinking of applying and I’m just interested to know whether anyone can offer the usual info about them. Am I right in thinking they do European work?


Dont know much about them but there was an aricle in one of the recent truck mags that they had bought the last Magnum to be built for UK. Yes they do do Euroepen work I see them regularly at a place I use for overnight parking in France. Not sure how far they go but if I see any of their drivers next week I will ask for you.

Ok great thanks Paul

Probly a waiting list to get on but you never know. Having said that I’m sure I saw him advertising a good while back, previous applicants need not apply.

They don’t do much Europe its just banging 'nanas around the uk for Fyffes. You’ll see Portsmouth a lot.

Was weekended with one of their drivers in carcer back last year only had good things to say about them.
So I would go for it.

Probly a waiting list to get on but you never know. Having said that I’m sure I saw him advertising a good while back, previous applicants need not apply.

They don’t do much Europe its just banging 'nanas around the uk for Fyffes. You’ll see Portsmouth a lot.

i think you will find they do. there always in Dover shipping out

Think they work Europe and then have a couple of weeks on bananas back in uk before back out again.

Oh, maybe I’m wrong then. Perhaps it’s just if you’re new you won’t see Europe.

The lads seem to have a good crack with each other last time I was in Fyffes & the kit is bang tidy.

#truck and Driver did a feature on them a few months ago. Might be on tinterweb