Beckton 19/09

To the ES driver that could not wait in the queue coming off the A13 to go into Britvic, Beckton at about 1920 hours last night;
I hope that Britvic appreciated you arriving 1 minute before I passed you and that they will pay your £100 fine for the Bus lane you drove through.
Look up in London ,read the signs, and work out what “At any time” means.

To the ES driver that could not wait in the queue coming off the A13 to go into Britvic, Beckton at about 1920 hours last night;
I hope that Britvic appreciated you arriving 1 minute before I passed you and that they will pay your £100 fine for the Bus lane you drove through.
Look up in London ,read the signs, and work out what “At any time” means.

It couldn’t have been Mark Dixon, could it ■■?

Fingers crossed.

And you put “lol” on the end of that!

To the ES driver that could not wait in the queue coming off the A13 to go into Britvic, Beckton at about 1920 hours last night;
I hope that Britvic appreciated you arriving 1 minute before I passed you and that they will pay your £100 fine for the Bus lane you drove through.
Look up in London ,read the signs, and work out what “At any time” means.

I wouldn’t have bothered with ranting on here snarley!! It’s £140 fine I think for bus lane now!! lol
Mr Stobart driver can obviously afford it! :slight_smile:

I was laughing not ranting.

If it wasn’t ESL would you have put anything at all■■? :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :imp:

Boring tedious and probably didn’t happen

Sobarts owns the bus lane.TNCSI on the way to investigate.

Yes would of posted regardless of which company.
Boring? Maybe, but not as boring as posts I have read of yours.
Did happen.
Usual Trolls on here spoiling

Where is the hiding behind a handbag whilst making an oooohhhhh sound smiley?

eddie stobart or edwin shirley, i only ask due to the location

eddie stobart or edwin shirley, i only ask due to the location

Do Edwin Shirley do Britvic work? :wink:

eddie stobart or edwin shirley, i only ask due to the location

If it’s Edwin Shirley then he can only be going in to fill a trailer full of tonic to follow another trailer full of gin to the next gig.

Where is the hiding behind a handbag whilst making an oooohhhhh sound smiley?



I just saw bus lane and beckton

Have Edwin Shirley gone limited?
If not it would be EST surely :question: