Be careful what you wish for part 2

Do you know I sometimes get really miffed with the crap I read on here. You moan about the most trivial things which to be honest are natural parts of the job. To those of you who don’t know 20 months ago I worked as a tramper and in the main enjoyed it. then on holiday I collapsed, and I haven’t worked since. My health has deteriorated to a point I now use a mobility scooter to get around. I’ve lost my hgv licence for 10 years and my car licence for at least 2 years from my last seizure which was Wednesday.

Come on chaps it could happen to any of you. Don’t think it only happens to other people because to everyone else, YOU ARE OTHER PEOPLE.

Take care out there and look after yourselves.

I’m genuinely gutted for you and I’m not sure how I’d get by in your position, all I can say is keep your chin up and all the best getting healthy again .

Sorry you are having a hard time, I hope it all works out. I went to my favourite Aunty’s funeral today. Cancer got her and made her suffer for a year. We have one life, just try and live it happy. You cannot change bad or grumpy people, just don’t let them alter your mood.

Hi ddi.
Can you get better?

Without going to deep I’m sorry to hear what your going through and yes your right we moan about the trivial things in relation to your new perspective on life.

I agree the whole ‘Itl happen to someone else’ mentality is flawed when we are all that someone else.

Just to type ‘hope you get better’ is tinged with a bit of ‘im glad it’s not me’, but take stock of what you have look for the positives no matter how small they may be, talk about what your going through, even scream about if you have to, whether thats online or in the real world.

It’s all relative though, and it takes a real life changing event to snap us out of our delusions and the reality that we have all been cursed with a consciousness capable of immortality into a vessel of very limited mortality. For some poor buggers the vessel never works properly to begin with.

I sense you feel depression creeping up on you quite often, made worse by us lucky buggers moaning about non events and dramatising the pathetic, there’s no magic words just realise that deep down we all know we are forked on borrowed time doing the best we can with the little we have.

In the end remember your not alone.

Apologies I went deeper than I intended, story of my life. :wink:

Indeed - tomorrow at 14.00 I’m going to one of my mates funeral . He was involed in a head on colission on Friday mornig after leaving his house at 06.30 . He never got a chance to say good bye to his wife and 3 young kids as they were all tucked up in bed when he left . Life dosen’t seem so bad after all .

We all take things for granted, and lets be honest most of us have never had it better…well easier if not actually better.
But Dri-Diddly’s illness shows just how fast it can all go pear shaped, hope you get better in due course Dri mate.

Most important thing is to tell your love just what she or he means to you every day, in fact every time you sat goodby to them, that time could be the last you never know, if you return a text to your kids don’t forget to say love dad/mum at the end.

Come on chaps it could happen to any of you. Don’t think it only happens to other people because to everyone else, YOU ARE OTHER PEOPLE.

This is so true so obvious and yet so overlooked :frowning:

I’m truly sorry to hear about your health problems mate and I hope things go better for you in the future :wink:

I’m not in a wheel chair, but limited in what I can do since having to retire early after a work accident 11 year ago, or was it 12.

You have to try hard to keep yer chin up, but depression can take over easily, as I know only too well. I really hope you will get better eventually.

Best of luck.

Sorry to hear your news Didders.

I hope you get better soon or your life settles at least

It makes me think of all the times I’ve said “I wish I could win the lottery” well sunshine… I have! I’ve won so many lotteries I can’t even begin to count…
I was born in the UK and not in a mud hut village or war-torn or impoverished country/continent, I grew up in a time where playing outdoors till daylight faded held no other concern other than getting a cuff round my ear if I was a bit late or a bit too dirty, I’ve always had food and drink in my belly and clothes on my back and for the most part some money in my pocket and or bank, I have a loving soul mate Wife (still on the first one too) two healthy, respectful and decent kids, I’d wanted to drive trucks since I was around 10yrs old and while many may see it as something unworthy or below par I still accomplished my childhood dream, I have relatively good health (maybe a tad overweight but healthy and active nonetheless) I could go on and on and on with all my good luck and achievements but to anyone else I’m sure they just sound mundane, until that is they consider what it is they’ve actually won in life thus far.

Hope all turns out well for you in the end dri-diddly…

Funnily enough I was wondering how you were doing, now I know. Hang in there mate. (((HUGS))) :frowning: :cry: :cry:

Hi Diddly…nice to hear from you once more, i am very sorry for how life has turned out for you…but your still ticking mate, at least you have a life, which is more than some poor buggers. I agree that we do moan a lot ( its the english way ) and yes we all think it wont happen to us…but it does…i have my problems too, but was given hope when i recently had a heart scan, and all is ok…well for 5 years at least, and i managed to renew my licence too…so intend on doing a bit more…once i come back from my holidays in september. I wish you all the very best mate, and to manage what you already have, and i hope the hospital has a diagnosis for ya…that does help, knowing what your condition is, or whats causing it, and i hope treatment isnt too far away…good luck, good health, and we are always here for ya should you need to let off a bit of steam.

Hi ddi.
Can you get better?

Unfortunately no. I have epilepsy, heart failure, angina, hypertension, copd, all treatable but none curable :cry:

Most important thing is to tell your love just what she or he means to you every day, in fact every time you sat goodby to them, that time could be the last you never know, if you return a text to your kids don’t forget to say love dad/mum at the end.

We’ve split up. She says it’s nothing to do with my illness :unamused: I now live alone and had a wooden ramp made for access to make it easier for me. Poxy Sheffield council have told me to remove it has I didn’t get permission. As it’s not permanent I didn’t think I’d need permission :imp:


Hi ddi.
Can you get better?

Unfortunately no. I have epilepsy, heart failure, angina, hypertension, copd, all treatable but none curable :cry:

Most important thing is to tell your love just what she or he means to you every day, in fact every time you sat goodby to them, that time could be the last you never know, if you return a text to your kids don’t forget to say love dad/mum at the end.

We’ve split up. She says it’s nothing to do with my illness :unamused: I now live alone and had a wooden ramp made for access to make it easier for me. Poxy Sheffield council have told me to remove it has I didn’t get permission. As it’s not permanent I didn’t think I’d need permission :imp:

■■■■■■■■ to them mate. If you want another ramp-get one!

In the mean time, cheer yourself up by keeping an eye on Drivelnet UK. Erm…that’s assuming you have a working eye? :confused: :wink:

Thats a shame about the ramp…so i suggest you talk with a member of the disabled team at the council…and demand one…so now let them pay for it…instead of you…ha ha


Hi ddi.
Can you get better?

Unfortunately no. I have epilepsy, heart failure, angina, hypertension, copd, all treatable but none curable :cry:

You’ve certainly got your plate full there.

Living alone eh…let me know if you need help.
I’m not too far from sheffield,and i’m off work atm.

How old are you?

56 in August.

Following on from a previous post of mine a while ago, seeing as how we are discussing health again.I don’t want to harp on about it, but… IF YOU HAVEN’T DONE IT YET DO IT NOW, SEE ABOUT A DIGITAL RECTAL EXAM AND A PSA BLOOD TEST. Prostrate cancer can be contained /cured if caught early enough.
Much better than suffering all the chemo etc. DO IT NOW< NOT TOMORROW OR NEXT YEAR. As a warning. do you need to pee frequently through the night, do you have to sometimes stand at the urinal and wait just for a few drops, if you need to go can you wait or do you need to go NOW ! Maybe think about this the next time you see a driver peeing on the wheel in a service area, maybe he simply hasn’t got the time to make it to the toilets. maybe he’s got Prostate cancer, out of every 8 men 1 has it. makes you think eh? Count up the driver in the drivers cages at RDC’s, over eight? someone there probably has it…maybe you. get it checked.