Be careful what you wish for guys

Christmas should be a time of happy thoughts and aspirations for the future, then life suddenly deals out a bad card.

All you can do is let the health professionals do their thing and hope for a successful outcome.

Best wishes to you in this difficult time…

Very sorry to read of your wifes condition, i wish her well and hope for the very best for all of you, good luck.

sorry to hear that, best of luck

best wishes mate.
to echo your post title. like most we always wished for a windfall of cash.
we got one, but at a tremendous cost… which I would gladly trade back.
Enjoy what you have whilst you have it, we never know what tomorrow will bring.

Best wishes to you and your beloved.
I was given odds like that near 5yrs ago…Now fully recovered, So keep your spirits up .

Thoughts are with you and your family, heres hoping for a good outcome and a swift recovery.

I’ve always moaned about not having a decent time off over Xmas,normally just end up with a couple/3 days if I’m lucky depending on how my rota falls.
I have been to docs this morning to get signed off work for the forseeable as my wife had pains in her side a cpl of months ago,she was referred to the hospital and after scans/tests and visits to Birmingham liver hospital yesterday we have been told they are 95% sure she has liver or bile duct cancer and they will operate on the 4th Jan to removed a large tumour (2.5kg approx) from her liver and then be allowed time for her body to recover from this operation before starting chemotherapy,we have also been told by the surgeon yesterday that there is a 10% chance she won’t survive the op,the first date for the op offered was Xmas but we have a 8 year old son and after the op my wife will spend 3 days in intensive care so my son wouldn’t of been able to see her on Xmas day which we decided was not the best for neither him or my wife.
As said I used to moan about not having time off at Xmas,right now I’d happily work 24 hrs on Xmas day in exchange for what’s ahead of us,after Xmas day we are going to sit out son down and tell him what’s going on as he knows so far that mummy has been to the hospital a lot of times lately but he isn’t aware of the real reason,my wife is 36.

Enjoy whatever time you have with loved ones over Xmas guys,having a few weeks off ain’t all that it’s cracked upto be.

first, speedy recovery for your wife. Second keep a positive outlook on this as sad as it is and lastly very true words indeed, so many selfish, abhorrent people about all they think of is ££££££££££s and time off. Lost my first wife to cancer aged 22 but many moons ago and these days what they can do is amazing. But unbelievable on the other hand they haven’t found a cure. God speed to your wife, time is precious NOTHING ELSE! Money can’t buy your health. Chin up Chris and I wish you and your family a merry Xmas and a happy new year.

I hope all goes well t ell your wife to stay positive she will be in good hands these docs are top notch I speak thru my own journey with throat cancer last year all the best to your family

all the best for all of you. Stay strong.

Take care and best wishes.

All the best mate.

Don’t ■■■■■■■ start me on Cancer…I’m crossing whatever I have 2 of for you feller.

Hope very much all goes well for you all.

Check it out but I believe that the liver unlike other organs can actually repair itself, so that’s a plus.

Crap news to get at any time, let alone christmas. Best wishes to you and your mrs.

Thanks again everyone.

Hope very much all goes well for you all.

Check it out but I believe that the liver unlike other organs can actually repair itself, so that’s a plus.

Yes the liver can re-grow itself providing they don’t take too much away,they have told us they are looking at 30-40% removal from the left side but they have also found a “spot” on the right side deep inside the liver so they will explore that when they perform the surgery,providing they can perform the surgery once they see what’s going on inside…the first hurdle to clear is a successful op then we will will move on to the next one.

You assume the doctors can put it right but when a surgeon tells you that they cannot guarantee you anything apart from that they will do all they can it sort of hits you hard,and it shows just how fragile we all actually are regardless of what we may think.

hope all turns out ok god bless you both best wishes

So sorry to hear that. Hope you have a good Christmas and that everything goes well in the New Year.

Sorry to hear that.
Best of Luck,and Merry Christmas.

Thats sad news to hear. I can’t claim to know what you and your family are going through but let me tell you my story.

I had a cancer diagnosis in 2000 at the age of 43 and, yes, it was a shock. Early on we (my wife and I together) decided to tell the family including our kids who at the time were 10 and 17. They were scared but we then took a lot of trouble to be open with them and in later times our kids were stronger, more resiliant than my some of my siblings. I had periods of relapse and remission at a low level every couple of years until 2005 when I had a major relapse which has been very life changing. That I am still here means that I obviously got through that episode but it took nearly 2 years before I could go back to work.

As your wife goes through her treatment she will benefit from having have a positive mental attitude. It will be tough but having a goal is incredibly powerful. Mine was to walk my daughter to the man she would marry and cuddle my grandchildren. At the time neither was an immediate possibility, but this year I completed those objectives.

Your wife, being the patient, will be the focus of most of the medical team but don’t forget that you and your son are going to need a support network as well. My wife and kids were at the centre of mine but there are other groups that you might find helpful. McMillan, cancer UK, local patient groups, the hospice movement try them all and see what works for you - not all will. If your lad get distressed talk to his school they were very good when my daughter was struggling in the run up to her GCSEs ( she has since graduated from Uni).

If you go searching the internet for information about the disease don’t take everything as gospel. Find medically referenced pages, I found some of the university published stuff useful, and don’t be shy about asking your wife’s consultant about anything that that you think may help or needs clarifying. Beware of the quacks that will tell you diet/prayer can help when traditional medicine can’t/won’t.

There may be times when you will feel like crying - cry it’s an emotional release. There will be times when you will want to laugh - laugh it’s a stress relief especially black humour. You have my heartfelt best wishes for your family. Good luck.

You just be there for her fella. Best wishes from me and the Mrs.