Bbc Truckers.New drama series

It starts on October 10th.Not that new as there was a drama called The Brothers about a haulage family with Kate O Mara who later was in The Triangle about a North Sea ferry service.Should be entertaining.

Can’t honestly say TV dramas interest me much, but for anyone who does like that sort of program here’s a bit more information, and here’s a trailer

I don’t know what technical inaccuracies it has but I’ve got a feeling I’m gonna.

Seeing as the tv trailers are to get you interested it looks about as interesting as a cold day in Blackpool,

I think it looks quite good.
and there’s a bird that looks like a dirty bird from shameless, so she’s bound to do a turn.

Is it in Polish with English subtitles? :laughing:

Is it in Polish with English subtitles? :laughing:

made me :laughing: for real

Wonder if they used this site to get some info how we are ?

Here a few mite hear

Moaning how ■■■■ Stobart are
Moaning about filly curtains
Moaning about Vosa
And some ■■■■■■■■ tales you hear in RDC

To name a few :laughing:

Will all the actors wear sunglasses,drive Scanias and be able to back onto a bay first time?

Or will it be a bunch of numpties who need mummy to hold their hand.

Lets hope its like real life.Should be good for the F/ups and bleating eh.

It starts on October 10th.Not that new as there was a drama called The Brothers about a haulage family with Kate O Mara who later was in The Triangle about a North Sea ferry service.Should be entertaining.

bought the complete series of the brothers wish i had not bothered, absolutely boring probably about half an hour on the transport side and the rest was all chat about their lives

I remember another series about haulage, based, I believe, around the Warrington area. As I recall, the office consisted of a portacabin & one of the subbies operated a Kenworth, complete with cow horns on the front. Anyone else provide further details?

Won`t be as good as B.J and the Bear.

Retired Old ■■■■:
I remember another series about haulage, based, I believe, around the Warrington area. As I recall, the office consisted of a portacabin & one of the subbies operated a Kenworth, complete with cow horns on the front. Anyone else provide further details?[/quote
Sounds like you mean the original Truckers series with James(Bayleaf from Londons Burning)Hazeldene,there’s a thread on here somewhere about it,the subbie was Whitechapel star Phil Davis and it was a Mack that he drove subbying for Picards haulage who ran mainly B series ERF’s and A Seddon Atky 401 on Euro work

Won`t be as good as B.J and the Bear.

That’s a blast from the past, sadly I’m old enough to remember it. :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Can’t honestly say TV dramas interest me much, but for anyone who does like that sort of program here’s a bit more information, and here’s a trailer

Thx 4 link…I see they’re all wearing the special tyre pressure checking boots, made famous by es t&t

i was just looking at the cast and put Sian Breckin into google have a look at one of the photos not sure it its her or not lol


Retired Old ■■■■:
I remember another series about haulage, based, I believe, around the Warrington area. As I recall, the office consisted of a portacabin & one of the subbies operated a Kenworth, complete with cow horns on the front. Anyone else provide further details?
Sounds like you mean the original Truckers series with James(Bayleaf from Londons Burning)Hazeldene,there’s a thread on here somewhere about it,the subbie was Whitechapel star Phil Davis and it was a Mack that he drove subbying for Picards haulage who ran mainly B series ERF’s and A Seddon Atky 401 on Euro work

Well done, daz. I’d quite forgotten it was Phil Davis in that coe Mack. Some of the storylines were about as believable as Stobart’s but I seem to recall that I enjoyed it all the same.

Retired Old ■■■■:


Retired Old ■■■■:
I remember another series about haulage, based, I believe, around the Warrington area. As I recall, the office consisted of a portacabin & one of the subbies operated a Kenworth, complete with cow horns on the front. Anyone else provide further details?
Sounds like you mean the original Truckers series with James(Bayleaf from Londons Burning)Hazeldene,there’s a thread on here somewhere about it,the subbie was Whitechapel star Phil Davis and it was a Mack that he drove subbying for Picards haulage who ran mainly B series ERF’s and A Seddon Atky 401 on Euro work

Well done, daz. I’d quite forgotten it was Phil Davis in that coe Mack. Some of the storylines were about as believable as Stobart’s but I seem to recall that I enjoyed it all the same.

I bought it of E bay last year from a guy called Oiltruckie,it’s a bit daft but enjoyable all the same.One of the other stars in it was Maynard Williams who was Bill(Greengrass) Maynard’s son who seems to have disappeared without trace the rest of them were more or less unknown

sorry double post :blush:


Retired Old ■■■■:


Retired Old ■■■■:
I remember another series about haulage, based, I believe, around the Warrington area. As I recall, the office consisted of a portacabin & one of the subbies operated a Kenworth, complete with cow horns on the front. Anyone else provide further details?
Sounds like you mean the original Truckers series with James(Bayleaf from Londons Burning)Hazeldene,there’s a thread on here somewhere about it,the subbie was Whitechapel star Phil Davis and it was a Mack that he drove subbying for Picards haulage who ran mainly B series ERF’s and A Seddon Atky 401 on Euro work

Well done, daz. I’d quite forgotten it was Phil Davis in that coe Mack. Some of the storylines were about as believable as Stobart’s but I seem to recall that I enjoyed it all the same.

I bought it of E bay last year from a guy called Oiltruckie,it’s a bit daft but enjoyable all the same.One of the other stars in it was Maynard Williams who was Bill(Greengrass) Maynard’s son who seems to have disappeared without trace the rest of them were more or less unknown

according to IMDB the last time maynard williams was on telly was 1996