BBC Travel website to shut down in February

Radio 2 nights to go and now the travel website is going!!!

That’s just great! :frowning: The alternatives are woefully inadequate. … 3a4fadc13d

About time the licence fee was scrapped and give us the option to subscribe. I could quite happily do without them and their pensioner-entertaining local radio stations, bigging up unimportant sports events.

Radio 2 nights to go and now the travel website is going!!!

That’s just great! :frowning: The alternatives are woefully inadequate. … 3a4fadc13d

shame they didn’t scrap their biased fake news service and lefty propaganda in their other tripe they broadcast and call entertainment then

BBC ■■ !!! Waste of space and money.
Do we really need all of these :

Radio 1
Radio 2
Radio 3
Radio 4
Radio 5
Radio 5 live
Radio 6

Can’t stand R1 except sometimes in the evenings and Friday night , listen to R2 for real entertainment and the traffic, R3 4 and 5 not my scene, R5live for footie
And R6 , well what’s that all about ■■?