Bbc news 10pm 16th Jan 08

There is a special report tonight at 10 about the immigration problem going on in Calais, for anyone that’s interested.

And after having a total of 15 illegals in 4 months and also getting a brick thrown at the lorry down diesel alley i shall be watching to see if i recognise any of the [zb] :imp:

(Small language edit. Just type in the word you want to use without censoring it. If it isn’t allowed, it’ll be censored. If it is, it won’t be. Simon) :slight_smile:

Thank you for the heads up, will certainly try and watch that!



Will watch that if am still awake.

I dare say that it been the BBC it will be totally unbiased and that drivers will not be blamed for doing there job…

I dare say that it been the BBC it will be totally unbiased and that drivers will not be blamed for doing there job…

Of course drivers won’t be blamed for doing there job Ben, this is the BBC after all

Unfortunately, drivers not doing there job properly will be portrayed as being equally blameless.

after watching the report all i can say is it was a complete joke, the lorry was parked in the middle of nowhere with no security, any english driver with any sense would not park there, if it was reality he would have parked somewhere like the ids where there is security all night.