BBC Local Radio/TV

Is it solid gold [zb] in your area? BBC Radio Oxford is crap plain and simple; full of roving reporters giving companies free plugs, do-gooders going/having just been to Africa to build mud huts, pensioners not getting a lift to bingo etc…
The TV news side of it is just as bad; Of a half hour program, Oxfordshire gets 10minutes of “our news” then we endure some big gobbed bird called Sally Taylor telling us what’s happened in Hampshire…Pompous cow doesn’t even say “good evening”, usually starts with “Sailors training for the olympics in Southampton/Portsmouth…” Then after a bit of sailing and Portsmouth FCs latest tax dodges we have to endure a skinny boobless weathergirl giggling on the sofa (showing crap photos sent in by viewers) before a short forecast I can never remember because I’m trying to watch them smuggling peanuts in their bra… :blush:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: ,have to agree with you,that program is [zb],about time they got rid of that Sally taylor,spends all her time looking down her nose at everyone,and thinking “how lovely i am!”…chris

Meridian Tonight; Yet more crap news that’s only local for Reading, Bracknell and the Isle Of Wight. Presented by 2 people clearly not chosen for looks and talent and more to satisfy race and age equality. And their worse for showing viewers crap photos.

BBC Wales have a new weather girl.
One word, Phwoarrrr!

BBC Wales have a new weather girl.
One word, Phwoarrrr! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

See? Phwoarrrr!

Every time the missus tries to get a job someone on here has to go and spoil it :cry: