Who in their right mind thinks that Hving to work EVERY Other Saturday is sociable
Sociable working hours; which are based on a 45 hour week (Monday to Friday between the hours of 07:00 – 17:00 and alternate Saturdays 08:00 – 12:00).
Yes one of the super duper building supplie company’s not the Jews on lot thought this time .
And by my calculations 5 x 10 = 50 + 4 = 54 hours
So even taking 5x1 hour dinner breaks that’s still over 45 hrs
Which bit of “between the hours of” do you not understand? The shifts don’t start before 7am and don’t finish after 5pm. That’s not the same as saying you will be working from 7am until 5pm…
Which bit of “between the hours of” do you not understand? The shifts don’t start before 7am and don’t finish after 5pm. That’s not the same as saying you will be working from 7am until 5pm…
Which bit of “between the hours of” do you not understand? The shifts don’t start before 7am and don’t finish after 5pm. That’s not the same as saying you will be working from 7am until 5pm…
As it says BASED on 45 hrs does not say it will be 45 hrs it maybe more which will incure o/t payment.
Most Drivers have a basic based on 40-45 hrs but get paid o/t over and above
Perhaps your one of the lucky ones who has no need to do 4hrs on alternate Saturdays,
Who in their right mind thinks that Hving to work EVERY Other Saturday is sociable
Somebody who likes getting out of bed at 6am in a morning setting off to work at 6.30am and knowing they’ll be walking back through their front door at 5.30pm no matter what happens after pottering around the locality at a nice steady pace all day.
It is literally as close to a non-driving job as you can get for knowing what time you’ll be starting and finishing.
Which bit of “between the hours of” do you not understand? The shifts don’t start before 7am and don’t finish after 5pm. That’s not the same as saying you will be working from 7am until 5pm…
Its because builders merchants are open on a saturday, to allow people who during the week are working to do their building work…a shelf here, a shed there, etc etc…i dont agree with working weekends full stop, but many fodd supply chains now insist that their work begins on a thursday and ends on a monday…to squeeze every weekend out of you… I have never believed supermarkets should be open on a sunday, it even says that in our bible ( except for motorbike shops apparently ) but what a godsend it can be !!..guess its ok to open shops on a sunday, so long as its other thats working eh !! myself included.
I’d say 4 hours (0800-1200) every other Saturday would be a fair compromise for not having to work outside the hours of 7&5 all week. You wouldn’t even miss the lunchtime kick offs on your Saturdays in & you could still stay up late on the Friday.
If the money was right & it was fairly local, I’d be all over it.
Stop dreaming of 6-2 Mon-Fri for top dollar guys, it’s not happening!
Who in their right mind thinks that Hving to work EVERY Other Saturday is sociable
Somebody who likes getting out of bed at 6am in a morning setting off to work at 6.30am and knowing they’ll be walking back through their front door at 5.30pm no matter what happens after pottering around the locality at a nice steady pace all day.
It is literally as close to a non-driving job as you can get for knowing what time you’ll be starting and finishing.
Also building deliveries can be as close to a building labourer’s job as it gets.Ironically I don’t ever remember being asked to work Saturdays doing that on agency work and the hours were more or less as you’ve described during the week.No surprise that most drivers including myself preferred doing a decent distance run on a few bulk drops/collections for example.
Also no surprise which type of work the agency had the most of in that regard and the most trouble filling.
IE it’s sometimes better to do maybe a few more hours,but preferably starting a bit later finishing later,doing decent distance work which gets you out of town and mostly a shift made up of driving.