Barnard Castle Truckshow

The Mrs, me and the kids spent the day at the truckshow today.
It was well worth the trip from Bradford. We all had a very enjoyable day.

A special thanks to the Jfd stand who were very hospitable. We were fed and watered (mrs more than watered :unamused: )
Thank again to all on the Jfd stand

Dave it was great to see you again. hope the wife left enough for you to enjoy if not Iā€™m sure you think of some suitable punishment for her :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

She left 2 inches in the bottle :cry: :cry:

Me and The Rustler went Sunday 1st thing and had a great time - lot better than Driffield show - not many tat stands that were not related to the trucking aspect.

Loved all the trucks especailly the older ones - will post some pics when I get them downloaded.