Banned Word- Pi key

I’m wondering why the word Pikey has been added to the auto censor list?

It only appeared above because I used a censor-dodge, otherwise it would appear as ■■■■■.

■■■■■■ have declared themselves as our sworn enemies. We live in perpetual fear of them. We never know, when we wake up if our diesel caps will still be intact and all of us dread parking in any area which is infested by caravan dwelling ■■■■■ scum.

I generally abide by decisions made by mods and admins, but this decision is plain wrong, as I am sure any truck driver would agree.

The term is not “racist”, since ■■■■■■ can be from England, Wales, Ireland or anywhere, the only thing they have in common is that they make their way through life by thieving- a ■■■■■ would sooner have a stolen shilling than an honestly earned pound.

Let’s cut them a deal. When they stop thieving, we stop calling them Pikeys. Until then, we carry on treating these scum with the opprobrium they so rightly deserve. And we should be allowed to refer to them as what they are.


Of course you could use:





Or, in Cockney rhyming slang, “■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■” :wink:


and covered at length here
