Banned from Tarmac

Last week I got a return load from Tarmac at Branston arrived at the site I pulled in put my Hi-Viz on and got out to go and get my load ticket. I hear a voice shout " Oi you" ignoring this I carried on, “Oi you” again I carried on. Tap on my shoulder “you deaf?” I replied that I was not deaf but thought he must be calling a dog as I do not respond to Oi you :imp: .

He then told me I must have boots on ( I wear steel toed clogs) I kicked a nearby fork truck to show him they were steel toed :angry: . Then he told me to put long trousers on (I had a pair of shorts on) I took off my shorts and put a spare pair of jeans on (outside my unit which seemed to upset him seeing my boxers :blush: ) I then carried on towards the office for my tickets only to be told that they could not give me a load until I wore my safety hemet :open_mouth: I said it is in the cab and I would wear it when I got on the back to put the net on :confused: "No you must wear it when you pick up your loading notes :question: "

I then told them to stuff it and got in my unit and started to reverse out to turn round and go. My phone goes its them asking wher I was going I told them to get another load as they would not load me only to be told that their load was urgent and they will load me :confused:

I cannot say what I said but afterwards I was told I am banned from Tarmac :smiling_imp: i did not take their load :unamused: :unamused:

:stuck_out_tongue: I had to do a public weigh in British Sugar in Newark. I got out of the cab and walked all of 5 feet to the window. The bloke said he could not weigh me till I put my Hard Hat, Boots and HiViz on.

I said I had to make a phone call and said Im ringing Health and Safety if it is that dangerous to work here :smiley:

He said, “Im only doing my job mate” So I said “then you should use some common sense while you do it” and drove off :stuck_out_tongue:

Fair play mate the jumped up pillocks need a bit of treatment.

I myself came across a similar bunch of retards in a wincanton depot in corby thought they would come the smart arse and make me wait till it suited them to tip me. I politely explained l hadn’t bought my own truck and started my own business to be treated like an idiot by a bunch of ■■■■■■■■ who’s only saving grace was being behind a desk. I duly snatched back my notes and left there premises. Probably cost me £300 doing so but hey who cares when the look on there face as you drive away is pricelss !!!

Unfortunatly for me I have this every day, I work perminatly on a Tarmac contract.

One thing puzzles me about this thread though is, what is the problem? It’s Tarmac procedure, if you want to load there then you have to follow it. They have plenty of signs up saying what is required. And you doing what you did may have caused them a slight inconvience, but there are plenty of others waiting to take the work.

Henrys cat Wrong… They need you or a the black stuff will gum up their works… Why is it that drivers lie down & let these serfs walk all over them…?

two sides to it, you know if your loading out of any tarmac, brick or steel works you’ve got to have the gear on, sayin that the fact you aint, don’t give some jumped up nobody the right to talk to you like your a daft kid, either!
think we’ve all had these little set to’s on occasion, if you ever have the misfortune to go into hanson brick yard at ollerton you’ll come across the most obnoxious big mouth prat you’ll ever meet, the works manager! :smiley:

I found one in a Cornish quarry. Young ex-driver to boot… Scum. And you know who you are at Peter Marham… the one with the funny haircut…!!! :angry:

had the pleasure,if thats what you can call it,to deliver to 2 chemical works,that had you handing in your phone,and wearing eveeerything upto the full space suit if you carry it all,before getting past the checkpoint,only to see someone walking around with just normal clothes,and no PPE,which gets the old blood boiling at best,but then you wont win the war just lose the fight and hopefully get banned.

p.s when did a hard hat save your head,when delivering 1 TON pallets that if they where to fall,your hat wont save your bonce anyway.

if you wear the full works ,do you sit in the cab on the weighbridge and add to the weight,or stay out of it.


Worth remembering that the tarmac is loaded at nearly twice the boiling point of water so trousers that go all the way down to your ankles is no bad thing. Also all the protective gear required at the plant will almost certainly be required at the point of delivery so just as well to get it sorted first as last - as with most of these rules they are there to protect the management from claims rather than the employee (or contractor) Problem is the way local staff apply the rules with a lack of compassion and understanding - but we meet a dozen heads every week dont we ?

Had the similar experience to Mark Croft at a perfume depot in South Wales. As I was loading for Spain, I was in my ‘driving’ gear; shorts, flip flops, and t-shirt. Played the white man, as it were, when I got there, put on some boots and jeans, handed in my phone, signed to say that I read and understood the requirements, and was allowed in.

Only when I was on the loading bay did I ask whether I could let my lab puppy out for a stretch of his legs!

Needless to say he had a quick run around the bays, I reaquainted myself with the euro drivers uniform - and donned by flip flops, we were loaded and we were on our way!

Funny, on their ads they don’t say - London. Paris. New York. Ponty Clud!

Revlon !
Is there a prize ■■?

There used to be a perfume factory in Peterfield; Estee Lauder. Nice people ,no high viz or any such nonsense. Would load for Swiss. The prob came to when you arrived at Dover to get the boat. It was as though you were carrying nuclear waste. The hazchem level was so high that on many occassions I would get shipped on deck with only 12 passengers onboard. Slight egsageration but the gear was so strong it must have been embalming fluid… :unamused:

It was bricks I was picking up not the hot stuff and I do have all the gear but whats wrong with shorts :confused:

I will not be spoken too like that by anyone regardless what position they hold as I am as good as anybody else and I beleive in treat others as you would like to be treated yourself.

Worth remembering that the tarmac is loaded at nearly twice the boiling point of water so trousers that go all the way down to your ankles is no bad thing.

they’d need to be made of fairly thick asbestos to stop anything that hot :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Denis F:

Worth remembering that the tarmac is loaded at nearly twice the boiling point of water so trousers that go all the way down to your ankles is no bad thing.

they’d need to be made of fairly thick asbestos to stop anything that hot :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

beat me to it